Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (2024)

Table of Contents


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (1)[...]2) Reallg. What‘s up?
a a 3) What do meg call aa

3) (squinty) | chase you with a stick.
4) What’s an All Black?

5) Cyborg pirat[...]ot.

III. II...

1) A sh*tty photopoll, that’s what.

2) Really? That[...]AAAAARGHII MY KNEE!!

4) Andy Fitzroy, 1935. What a character.

5) *Affirmative*

Drop your» comple[...]office, by Wed 5pm

mama; go in the drawato Win a flashes

1718 19 4
Ill-Jail! 5
IIIIEEIIIIE a gggggggg'gatg

Hamel fl 1
I I I I I I “"::§[...]0 Boxing (7) All D” “H” m"
27 Passé (5) 21 A11ude(5) nu “not on e,
29 MiStake (5) 23 Skilled (5) and ion have a czgauce
30 Pledge (7) 24 Viper (5) of winn[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (2)[...]him to 'Zimonish Jeremy, who I find cowering

in a doorway ‘ crap didn't you warn me he was
350 4500 ext. 81 1 71

(( '

I"; 'L

a": ‘


You will drive t[...]with Team Racing Events

If its your Birthday or a special occasion then
an adrenalin rush Is a must

Kids have fun tool Karts for 6 years up to[...]Your Brain” .FOR PIE
6 This Week in History and a
Word From Visiting Speaker Nandor Tanczos
7 Tea a[...]’ ‘ JIIIIIIVIIII'I‘SI


THIS iIlEEli: , I

4,[...]ws-wymmnw—wu wwg‘. myw‘W, KW : ”.mm.m»~,-Aa; i::;."y:~}': ; ,’ /'l_;~:I_f, $7 f‘yw[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (3)[...]. ~Karl Pearce, not one ExeCUtive
»- 'g - a . I and the lengths they go to to represent your member is in a position they

_ volume 75 Issue 07 It won’t be[...]ational " ‘ have held before this Year' 50'
28 A n 2008 week, as the J-Dog (that’s News Editor 1[...]Pr 0' ' " " Bryson to you) and I have done quite a lot 5 here in CHAFF. will probably be obliged 10 F990” 0” Them.

But from a position of some proximity to Ying-
Yue, Matt and[...]we’ve ' But unfortunately for all of us, quite a few things
taken quite the swipe this week at stu[...]5OO ; and hold people to account, but it takes on a day, long after everybody else has buggered

Fsz3[...]our tone when those people are your mates off for a much-needed three—day weekend,
is please don't be misled by the sheer weight I and you know for a fact they're doing their you can trust that if I[...]e true.


— they're not indicative of what goes on most of : functions is as a watchdog over the functioning :
the time here in MUSA Towers. The Executive do 5 of MUSA, a check—and-balance to ensure that ‘ It's certainly not because an enraged 7‘
a damn fine job for the most part. Even when 1 if[...]ch is you -— know about it. t police tasers and a wild dog they've been

I starving and beating wit[...]re still here
as usual, it's not an accurate one. A lot goes on i in the afternoon of Anzac Day, rigo[...]nday you As some you know, MUSA is working to get a to consult Massey University. Another important
m[...]e with
latest University Games held in Rotovegas. a long process and we have an even longer where we[...]all to do with the way to go before you can enjoy a cold one in posted with any developments on this[...]ipants the lounge. The reason why we are pursuing a I know I do this every week but I still want to
a[...]any know, the social aspect of Unigames lounge is a central part of campus and would be have written.

is an integral reason for why a lot of people go. an ideal place to chill out. Th[...]n the early planning stages but obviously
held in a non-university town, and it looks like at one imp[...]ortrayal
Liam Napier I really does not help build a healthy perception
Gemma Lindegren of tertianl/s[...]he pubrtic. As I mentiorpeld
- in my co umn no on a o, ere was an a tee
MOlCOIm thmer I which stated having augents a[...]e
Massey Library
Massey Chaplaincy
Duane “A Rock” Johnson

Donnie Osmond
Robbie Nielson

'0[...]sll Tints, Eyebrow tints


Last week was also a difficult week because

we had a Special General Meeting to discuss
last year’s[...]nal Students' officer position is now
vacant. On a personal note I did not enjoy going
through this[...]iews
aren‘t theirs either.

Graduation may seem a while away but it is
in just two weeks. I am sure[...]events right about now.
I would just like to make a special mention that
MUSA is organising a ball to coincide with the
week. Keep a look out for more details soon,
the Bing Turkby e[...]ight at
Mubar this Wednesday from 7pm. If you and a
few mates feel like having a bit of a challenge
(or procrastination from study) then give the quiz
D _ _ _ __ __ night a go. All proceeds will be going to a good
cause, so why the heck not? ' ‘ ‘[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (4)[...]myself, the article really helped

r Qme to get a grasp on the basics of the i UIY‘
_ ; . .[...]wever, on the other side we
have found that there a lot of
males in town keen to buy us '
drinks for[...]it
we want to dance with you
we w_ill,if we want a drink we’ll
buy ifl). As long; as, they are
guy[...]be" 1demdh'dih‘gffequ‘al -
pay. Isn’t this a Contradiction?

In short, with buying drunks
bein[...]nted right
alongside this letter- “CHAFF is not a
vehicle for negative or discriminatory
material"[...]he talks
about someone who appears to
experience a mental illness being
taken away “for a nice holiday in

the nuthouse". He then refers to a
previous period of unwellness the
person experien[...]ople who experience mental
illness have enough of a battle
trying to live with the oftentimes
debil[...]t mental illness were being
; made, but is rather a pretty mild reaction

i to what, when you think about it, must

i have been a pretty distressing situation for
i both parties.[...]noid fantasies
about them for an extended period, a little
; understanding and tolerance could be


'She now lives in my office. Here is a scan of


We don’t talk about it. But[...]urs In Christ,

Courtney Olivecrona


Dear Chaff, I must commend you on[...]-one (in fact I know of one
person who has bought a Massey hoodie)
wears Massey merchandise. Sadly ta[...]Have you ever looked down in2 the toilet &
seen a floating corn? Yummy.

I like to make a raft out of toilet paper...
ldon't like ‘splash[...]n’t like to wipe
now AND later. Should I suffer a wet ass &
wipe @ the end?

I found a new meaning for the word ‘cling-

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (5)RUTH GIBB PRESENTS A CHOICE ASSO

BORN - 2 MAY I729

Catherine II the[...]More to the point,
she wasn't Russian — she was a German princess living in
Poland ~ and her name w[...]t-Zerbst, and
at the age of 16 she was married in a political alliance to the
17-year-old Grand Duke[...]me at the same time to “Catherine", the name of a

previous Empress of Russia.)

Eventually the tsar died, and Peter took the throne as Peter Ill,
ruling for a grand total of six months before he was overthrown
in a palace coup due to huge unpopularity; and his nob[...]er allocation and pollution of
waterways are just a few. All political parties
are now putting out pr[...]e rhetoric about “carbon neutrality‘
there is a lack of real action at nearly every
level. It doe[...]deeper implications of
resource depletion require a much more
radical, fundamental shift than any bei[...]ess than 24 hours later, Hitler reportedly tested a cyanide
capsule on his dog to check It worked. Hi[...]tler was satisfied, and both he and Eva bit into a
cyanide capsule each, Hitler shooting himself in[...]e some dreadful kind of
torture, or possibly just a brutal bashing. However, the reality

is much happier; “Gone with the wind" won the Pulitzer Prize
for (a) Novel. Which is weird, cos I thought “Gone with the
wind" was just aa bird? Is it a plane? NO! It was... well, a

And not just any old supernova; it was[...]de astronomerres
Igured that its brightness meant a new star was
being born — but in actual fact, t[...]recise ~ and anyone who thinks the
environment is a bit important would be well advised to go and
have a iisten. For alt those who don’t, Nandor wit! be[...]campus Mr.
Tanczos asked if we'd iike to pubiish aa sense of connectedness, a
slower and richer pace of life, and work that
is[...]and political security
are possible, but require a rethink of the
assumptions that underlie our curr[...]pt to
incorporate elements of sustainability, as

a kind Of clip-on to corporatism, but which
like hurricanes, cyclones and typhoons, and
a disruption to established weather patterns,
makin[...]ing more difficult.

Conflict over resources is a major element

of human history, and this is pred[...]ncreasing internal
_ and international tension as a result.

, ,Wengwwmvwmwwwvmwxfirwwwwrsmmw-WWMWW[...]escent.

We can either crash, or we can negotiate a
landing. Either way we are going down. How[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (6)[...]eks ago CHAFF .
attended the bed premiere .. _
of a new documentary .
about idiosyncratic American
fa[...]o The safety of his ivory barn,
Farmer John makes a point of
being available To his adoring
public an[...]r
issues of import.

Do you think There are a lot of parallels
between New Zealand farming culture and
American Farming culture?

i haven't seen a lot of the New Zealand
farming culture, a little bit, but there are
definitely similaritie[...]three months in Australia
and there seemed to be a strong affinity. I
mean it’s different, differ[...]used seems to be the
same. it feels like there's a strong resonance
between New Zealand, Australia,[...], it feels

very strong. The film really Touched a
nerve in Australia, it hasn't really been
out lon[...]farms in
New Zealand.

see computer . .
have a lot of brilliant

Time again we learn Th

What do[...]today?

For agricultural students? Well, i think a
big mistake that's made with training
people for[...]nd they
can solve any problems that
may happen as a result of Their
;;- breakthroughs and discoveries[...]they Tamper
with nature and improve it. That’s
a very, very doomed outlook.
And I don't say becaus[...]of the topics touched on
in the film. Was there a specific
angle you were going for?

We came up with a mission

statement which was basically

to share a story and not read

a sermon. It was to... not to

tell people what to think,[...]ther

words, not to proselytise. We came up

with a number of mission statements.

You can find them[...]irt.

One of the mission statements was

to share a tale of tenacity, another

is to challenge the st[...]rming you have to
be constituted inwardly in such a way
that you can actually survive as a farmer,
l dan‘t think really universities go th[...]d develop the capacities

of observation. So that a farmer can
increasingly deepen the relationship w[...]would imagine
that New Zealand people are more
in aa film about
inner ecology and outer ecology. l th[...]very
important things to look at. It sees that to a certain degree
agriculture is moving back towards[...]see computers, they

love to think that they have a lot of brilliant answers. But
time and time again[...]we don't grow
up to be like our parents" - it’s a story very suited to people
at university age. St[...]pped into that
market but when students see it as a group they often go
crazy. I showed it to a group of bio~dynamics students in
Sweden, they ga[...]y went nuts and swamped the stage - it
was like‘a rock concert.

. Thanks to.Cinema Gold, CHAFF has[...]es

tor The Real Dirt on Farmer John, playing for a limited time
here’ln Palmerston North. First tw[...]nt ID up to the CHAFF Offices this week will get a pass

I, _; ,e'ach;fso‘idonft»dawdle. .[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (7)[...]“Just let
it out, Toots," before swilling
down a can of beer and belching
loudly. Laughing Mummy, how
do I connect with him on a
deeper level?

- Lonely in Love.

Dear Miss Lonel[...]em

to scream, then you scream in their face
like a motherf*ckin’ mummy and throw a
handful of scarab beetles into their hair.
Proble[...]hing Mummy,

My parents are talking about
getting a divorce. I haven’t
lived at home for a few years
now so I know it shouldn’t
affect me[...]lue, l find that it
helps to sit and think about a few of my
favourite things, like-feeling my awn.[...]ur family, and that will make you
feel better for a while, until you realise that
those good times are over now and all you

have left is a dead dog. The god of the dead

has a dog's head though so it isn't all bad:
maybe your[...]ord
with Anubis. More likely he'll rat you out as a
dog-murderer and then you‘ll wake up one
morning with a plague of fleas which is what

dead Chinese peop[...]upid
and embarrassing. Like one time,
I fell into a rubbish bin and
pulled three lecturers in with me[...]'out they had no
clothes on. Another time he told
a really funny joke and when I

One time l s[...]Convention
and when she came over to talk to me, a
bone fell out of my pants, and l don’ t need
bulging penis.


l laughed, a tampon fell out
of my mouth. How do I stay
calm a[...]Conventionand when she came over

to talk to me, a bone fell out of my

pants, and I don‘t need to[...]oducts '

uth or maybe you should

at there' ‘5 a curse on your lady

ever people find out

_ tomb[...]ed, ' : perverts d¢_

v "we“? wwsmw


' “err-:9“ “rs 2m." ‘IWIVSWWIW \M‘W[...]All I ever wanted to be when I
was growing up was a vet, but my
grades weren’t good enough to get
m[...]on’t know whether I
should keep trying or find a new
career. How do I decide
want to do with my li[...]ous

Dear Stupidiy studious,

When I was a little kid, I wanted to grow up
to be a scribe I knew the hours would be .
long and the p[...]'t let you
do what you want, and you have to make
a new path for yourself in life, and my path
is to be a laughing mummy. It’s not all bad;
sometimes I e[...]times when I laugh, I spit
teeth, too. And I have a lot of mummified
pets who are great fun so I sug[...]taxidermy, because there’s
nothing sexier than a woman surrounded

by dead animals with cold glass[...]e adventurous in the bedroom?
iWhenever I suggest a new
:position, she says “That’s what
Are you a pervert?"


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (8)[...]u should think

about explaining that you are not a pervert .
. If you really need to eat something,[...]thout all that water, but

but she is definitely a frigid prude and you
could get more play from a dead girl. And
trust me, dude, you could, because[...]no self-control, ask your
friends to lock you in a tomb full of scarabs
: — the flesh will just m[...]than I am
about body-image: I don’t want
to be a magazine bean stick,
but I also don’t want to be
lifted out of my house by a
crane and then buried in a
piano box when I die because
I don’t fit throu[...]me about weight-
loss. The key to weight-loss is a secret
which me and the mummy brethren have
carri[...]it. Also,
they took my stomach out and put it in

a. pretty jar next to me, which also helps


, pyramid. so don't even tr[...]ept their owners. That also works if
“slave" is a euphemism for penis. Which it's
not in thi[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (9)[...]n
MUSA’s history to be voted out of office
via a Special General Meeting (SGM),
after the students[...]The SGM, held last Wednesday, was called as a result of

a process that began after Mr Jia made a volunteer feel
uncomfortable at the MUSA Toga Party Orientation event and
refused to write a written apology as requested by the MUSA
Executive, though he was willing to make a verbal apology to
the complainant.[...]ad to take his case to the students in theform of
a vote of confidence in his abilities, which is wh[...]proceedings were not so clear cut,
devolving into a feedback loop of redefinitions, accusations
and[...]h to some diverting questions from the floor and a lack of
sufficient clarity from President Ying-Y[...]d resulted
in the meeting. Mr Jia, was then given a chance to defend
himself, following which the stu[...]ents of
the Toga Party.

‘ The group issued a press release last week that stated,
“Damage to a Rotorua motel during the recent University
Games[...]he fact that the games are largely funded through a
compulsory levy imposed on all university student[...]ually highlighted
that the event is funded though a compulsory levy is a
mystery, with this press release being latest example of
Student Choice jumping on a story to push their own
agenda. Student Choice had previously issued a press
release on $10 Billion Debt Day (10 April) stating that the
student loan system is a good tool for Student Associations
as they do not[...]of
the belief he had attended r
the Toga Party as a student %
and not as a MUSA Officer. 3
Mr Jia returned to these two
communication difficulties,

and initially won a certain

amount of sympathy from the
collected gr[...]standing and as

he was drinking, was not wearing a Volunteer shirt, and had
arrived separately for t[...]Choice said that the Uni
Games are funded through a compulsory levy imposed on
every university stude[...]nal
students were present, to which two replied - a disappointing
total, considering it was-the Inter[...]person,
though he still was not willing to write a written apology. He
justified this stance by exp[...]- the behaviour, 0
view he had expressed to CHAFF a few weeks earlier.

For MUSA students, 2[...]es to USNZ. This amounts to $3.70, $3.75 or $2.50 a year

for a student depending on how many credits their course

Although Student Choice do raise a valid point in saying
compulsory student associat[...]violates
one's freedom of association, they have a tendency to go
and shoot themselves in the feet b[...]s of the belief he had attended
the Toga Party as a student and not as a MUSA Officer. Mr

Jia returned to these two poin[...]age communicationdifficulties, and initially
won a certain amount of sympathy from the collected gro[...]ne student afterwards as “rarity", was probably a result
of frustration over his difficulty in com[...]position
to the floor. It was also very possibly a decisive factor in the
overwhelming margin by whi[...]If they want to use the fact that students pay a compulsory
fee to USNZ to support their cause, then they should by all
means do so, but to try and draw a correlation between
the compulsory levy and the misbehaviour of a few Victoria
students undermines theirwhole opera[...]s his inability to listen or ask for
guidance, or a lack of training.

This lack of clarity and direc[...]regulation
was used inconsistently. Miss Zhao on a number of occasions
had to ask students to rephrase opinions as questions, and on
a number of occasions didn't. More concerning was t[...]the pizzas
are getting cold and all that jazz".

A failure to clearly communicate, unfortunately, wa[...]he time of questions from the floor, to resemble a
particularly chaotic courtroom. This was largeiy due to the
fact, as evidenced by a number of questions towards the

end of the meeti[...]should be removed from

the Exec. The motion was a vote of confidence in Mr. Jia

and his value to the Association, not a vote to remove him.

A more appropriate approach would have been to make[...]meeting, but
was disappointed to be voted out by aa member. A standardized wording
would help a lot. It’s important to remember that MUSA has
never had to do this before, so this was a learning experience
for all of us."

Despite bein[...]is whether or not that is the case for Mr. Jia.


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (10)[...]Monday and had to be escorted off the
premises by a MUSA staff member, after the suggestions
of sever[...]ers of staff that he leave were

Despite a newly ratified MUSA Code of Conduct which
states[...]earce told CHAFF that he had come into MUSA to
do a few small tasks which included sending out emails[...]ceived any new release of contracts, although

in a subsequent conversation later claimed that he

ha[...]up. l already
knew that (Monday) was pretty much a spare day, l
didn‘t have anything on. So just to do a couple of little
things and then go again. But of course, I talked to a
couple of people and then went to a Pagan meeting."

Before he was escorted from the office, Mr. Pearce
further enquired whether a female co-worker might
“want a threesome”? He was later seen chasing a young
woman, believed to be a Massey Pagan, out of the
MUSA Lounge onto concour[...]o,
with leader John Key last week announcing that a
National government would invest $1.5 billion in[...]ional‘s "medium to long
term vision" is to have a fibre connection in almost every
New Zealand hom[...]ying that it would result
in Telecom operating as a monopoly in the market, as it
is the only company[...]cent weeks. Mr Williams denied saying that it
was a "damn good idea" for Labour Party canvassers
to hand out governmentpamphlets, however TV One
produced a recording of him saying those words at the
Labour[...]onference. In his speech he said, “There's now:
A violent crime every nine—and-a—half minutes. A sexual
attack every three-and-a-half hours. A robbery every
three-and—a—half hours."

Really? Is sh*t really that bad?

- Best introduction for a press release we found this
week: United Future d[...]5‘13;an «215..

L5? EXTQ‘LXV. f.£.fséa§:f,;1‘f{¢1‘2¥$fs’i§4i 2“ c.‘:‘.:2[...]USA

Executive Code of Conduct (which extend from a verbal ,

warning to an SGM at which an Exec memb[...]l don't think there is anyone. l should be
given a verbal or written warning, whatever one the
Exec[...]attempted to deal with this
continued behaviourin a formal manner, though now
the Code of Conduct is[...]n to perform. Mr.

.rWW;an;-~,fima-r§v:«m++r~=~a\szav 'px m‘mfifiv‘i‘rename/Earl'smethW[...]ENT ON

All players who enter will get
a FREE general admission
ticket too that week's

Jets home game. The
tournament champions will
win aa recreation centre pass will have

to pay an addit[...]registering
you will need to outline your grade (A,B, or C) and discipline
(single, men‘s/women's doubles or mixed doubles).

‘i“lvfy‘l:"l‘ A . ’ i_ ‘1'1. ‘4 1\ IV\


'13:; c" i.[...]state of pronounced intoxication.

WM, , ,. w a _ g.
’.'.’.J.;5TI.°"L}‘.V~W? ‘, Hz! "'[...]elements of his role of student representative in a i.»



When CHAFF spoke to her, Miss Zhao[...]l because he is part of the
Executive and he does a good job," said Miss
Zhao. A

As this story was written, ex—International Of[...]een removed from the

{f Executive by SGM vote as a result of inappropriate
g, behaviour after less than six months in his position.


s ,, .
eNommations new
' "aspen for
INTERNATION[...]e open until} 12pm;
f scan Friday 2nd May '

a,» 4


acwew-w }


Y[...]Dr. Fan'd Yousset is on holiday in NZ...

He Is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Medical Sciences

at t[...]Human Physiology, specifically neuroscience, with a heavy
research emphasis upon learning and memoiy[...]den Lecture Theatre, Science block
- ALL students a staff welcome!

, Dfielrninifm the argue-[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (11)[...]s Daniel
Carter, Nick Evans, Jerry Collins and to a
lesser extent Troy Flavell (who in my opinion is[...]to secure lucrative overseas

This poses a number of problems. At this
point in time the New[...]is reported to have been offered
$1.9 million by a French club, which would
make him by far the highest earning rugby
player in the world, and a price the NZRU
simply cannot compete with. Carter[...]d they accept their
respective offers. Collins is a player that is
also irreplaceable He is one of th[...]na both on and off the field. He has
always been a hard running flanker, but in
recent years has de[...]as doing their CE. The
window of opportunity for a professional
rugby player is short, five to ten[...]e been quoted as saying New
Zealand's rugby is at a crisis point. This is an
exaggeration at this sta[...]ores. These players are guaranteed
their spots in a team that is held with such
high esteem within ou[...]us. The club unites active participants
who share a love of the outdoors and adventure.

Every weekend there is typically a choice of two or three trips, often including pur[...]t MUAC is its friendly atmosphere, which provides a superb place
to try for the first time many of t[...]r quite got around to trying.

For instance, jUSt a couple weeks ago many people joined us for “bas[...]they
learned the very basics of rock climbing in a safe, affordable but fun environment (all gear
pr[...]yak’ trip, an adventure
spanning two days (plus a pool session) where participants were taught the[...]ow walking techniques, ice axing, cramponing, and a
little ice climbing too, all affordany priced for a student and from the comfort of MUAC’s own
hut.[...]lls, such as what to take tramping or how to read a map and
compass properly. Best of all MUAC lets y[...]the great outdoors, regardless of whether you're a seasoned outdoor
pro or someone who is new to the wilderness. In addition, it is a great way to see scenic New
Zealand while studyin[...]t 7pm in lCLT in the vet tower. Membership is $30 a year. Any
inquiries please e-mail muac_secretary@[...],‘m‘-->¢~_


, Miles has always a

, pleasure to interview
as he is happy to
chat a[...]quote I’ve

' ever heard- “Miles

' Pearce is a walking

; billboard for Miles

p Pearce". This m[...]out of?"

Importance of talking:

When you watch a Jets game you will
notice very quickly that Miles[...]s, especially in the

,games and stuff, where as a group

of players on court we need to get
togethe[...]March, Miles seemed to be talking to
the referees a lot. When I asked about
this, Miles said, .“Ref[...]ything to." He
went on to say that “you develop a bit
of a relationship with them just like you
know anyone[...]ally nice".

I also realised that Miles had spent a
couple of years playing for the Otago
Nuggets and[...]was because, “my first year ' 1
out here I had a lot of fun. A couple of i
the guys on the team and who are stil[...]) was here in
my second year and stuff like that. A 5
lot of these guys are great guys, (I) ' é
get on well with's a good
organisation to be in, good bunch of ii

., . ,viewsymwwvwmgmmm)g,.jmw,w_mfi,M v. \ ., A. ,r W . .4,

Importance of students at games:
Th[...]re at Massey University, such as the

.jfiwatavn A... w .. z . a...

on concourse (more details coming)
and sponso[...]wrong way but, students
tend to get drunk. I was a student, and
I got drunk, and they just are so mu[...]hing to the game, to the crowd
that you know that a lot 0 places just
don’t have"

Um» r5 x71» me[...]r want to enter some races,
come join us! We have a regular group

ride each Saturday as well as duri[...]t 5.30pm, with
members leading the class.

We are a new club, setting up officially for
the first t[...]to join up:

I) Meet other keen cyclists

2) Have a good time on the bike

3) Get fit

4) Get out of Palmy for a few hours
each week

5) Get a 10% discount at Crank—
it Cycles when you become a

6) Have a break from studying

7) Check out the Mana[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (12)e‘ (a);


Natio[...]rs of everyday Kiwis. We question
whether ours is a safe society.

I support National's strong stand[...]to ensure that our Police are
resourced 24 hours a day for 52 weeks of
the year. They are our best r[...]backing they

Recently National outlined a number of
new policies to enhance policing:

1. Introducing tasers, subject to a
positive evaluation of the trial.
2. Requiring DN[...]down on gangs by:
i. Strengthening the law that

a criminal organization.

2. Amending the Crimes Ac[...]r streets safer and '

‘ makes it illegal to be a member of


3. Changing the Local Government[...]es.

National will ensure that public safety,
not a reduction in prison numbers, is
paramount. We wil[...]inal justice system

more effective, and building a safer future

for all New Zealanders. i want you[...]ill be able to enjoy
our city and be assured that a National
Government will give high priority to th[...]aseseeaseoooooooooooo ooooo


=39 a «£3









sfifir§®®$666’9.GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO[...]S ON

What could be more important to a
living being than the very source of its
life? To[...]is wortd that .
allows life to flourish. Without a healthy
environment how can we as a species
expect to survive? As advanced as our
tec[...]ustainable short—term profit
overproduction at a more sustainable
level, we are sacrificing the l[...]em and of our
own species. The Green Party seeks

a strong economy but recognises

that economic pros[...], eels and
dolphins going extinct for the sake of a
little extra profit.

The Green Party believes t[...]ronment, our
people and our way of life is to put a

i[...]$4,000 per hectare
to plant. lnevitably there was a surge in

It then dawned on the Government
that it was a billion dollars out on how
much Signing the Kyoto[...]use as opposed to
replantation. That has prompted a
mass deforestation ahead of the
possible tax.

It‘s hard to imagine a more disastrous
set of polices. For the first ti[...]y scientific
research to establish what effects

a changing climate will have on

New Zealand, so we[...]mental and conservation issues

Climate change is a justifiable
concern. By the same token, we need[...]uncertainties that still exist.

We should adopt a policy of least
regrets. Our particular concern s[...]oncerns.

For this reason, ACT on Campus
supports a bipartisan approach to
energy security, and anyth[...]arch for other
economic means of power generation
a priority.

innovation is also important in[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (13)[...]Games. And, for all we knew,
They were all having a lovely Time.

BUT from The firsT refurn of aa web of
biTTerness and recriminaTion was revealed[...]GY'S Unl Comes 190m: feW people
been beTTer, and a number of The group did come and GSKed me: "’5[...]T
come and ask me if food was included."

sniffed a sTorywe didn ’ T have To leave The building
To[...]ross The board painT The 2008
Universify Games as a deeply chaoTic affair.
The media have had a field day reporTing
on VicToria UniversiTy sTude[...]decided To geT To

“| Think iT would have been a beTTer move To
be more concise in ThaT way, buT a[...]Teens, early
TwenTies and older”.

Games 2008, a disasTer of such prehisforic confUSion Ground Who[...]ncluded in The cosTs. There was

BuT leT’s Take a look of our own glasshouse
before hiffing a rock of USNZ. WhaT of MUSA's
organizaTion of The Massey PalmersTon NorTh

- i There does seem To have been so[...]ms utimis CTR TED me YTJUTT LBC§tL BRANCH Term 3 A TRAVEL


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (14)Of course, getting food ended up being
such a hassle it might have been easier to for
MUSA orga[...]to the supermarket to purchase food
became quite a mission, partly because the
MUSA officials were[...]the supermarket
by MUSA officials, which became a problem
itself as the officials also had to get[...]rie and company‘s control: “We
were contacted a couple of weeks
after we paid for the lodge to be[...], for much of the week, anyone
who wanted to 'use a toaster had to brave
pneumonia and possible drown[...]“Basically
anywhere that any of us have gone to a
backpackers there is a kitchen, there are
cups, there are knives, there[...]p,
but Mr. Lawrie tore this contention apart like
a thin tissue of lies, “There was probably no
per[...]d in one direction... it wasn't
actually that far a distance." Nonetheless, it
remainsCHAFF‘s view that a more thorough
examination of what exactly was bei[...]ifying such points as utensils and whether
or not a comprehensive bus service was
running — would h[...]were thrown out the window
when competitors told a MUSA official that
they would prefer to stay at[...]h
the rest of the team. This appears to have
been a reasonable request — after all these
kind of ev[...]ryone had arrived and were
checking in, involving a considerable
restructuring of theagcgommodatiom éisic .é : .

‘...¢~ e o , e I v i s k a o . e . ¢ A . e c -

munu--_.~_u“-muumwmmmmm--___.u-_.wmm-w[...]edule. Further, this initial rejig was
apparently a mess in itself and so
needed to be reorganized ag[...]l with
alcohol poisoning.

Mr. Lawrie assured

a jelly[...]ie said that students had been asking him
to have a drink with them all week, so on the
final night he agreed to play a drinking game
with them. Mr. Lawrie said that he[...]upid
decision to give into student requests to do a
funnel in exchange for them tidying up. The
probl[...]g more vodka than beer.

He later passed out from a combination of
alcohol consumption and chronic ex[...]al.

“It was basically just the fact that after a long,
stresstl week'l made a few stupid mistakes
and had a big blow-out," said Lawrie.

It appears from stud[...]ll, as Mr. Lawrie
conceded, the whole episode was a mistake,
if an honest one. He said had earlier he[...]ed, this
was communicated third-hand and not from
a USNZ official.

So let‘s look at USNZ’s orga[...]th USNZ only
cancelling the white water kayaking, a day
of tennis, and a day of golf due to the bad
weather. But what was[...]ganised
social events. There appears to have been a
breakdown in the communication between
MUSA and U[...]minute."

There was also some controversy around
a jelly—wrestling event that was arranged

‘1»[...]ded vomit and alcohol stains on carpet
and linen, a broken bed, a broken window
and broken appliances. The students are also
said to have le[...]oportion:

“Students are an easy target to blow a story
up. There was actually one arrest at the
ga[...]y was going to toilet and managed
to pee all over a cop. Yes, you read that
correctly: peed all over a cop. Though
possibly we heard this story about an[...]s. So did the fact that the Games were in
held in a non—university town for the first time
have any[...]tudents would have been out at
cafes or bars.”

A recent article from Salient reporter Seonah
Choi[...]he motel-
trashing drama. The article states that a
glazier inspected the broken window at
Havana, and came to the conclusion that
the window was accidentally broken by
closing it as opposed deliberate vandalism.
Re[...]bronze in the
inaugural road cycling competition, a sliver
and a bronze in kayaking, and a silver medal
in women‘s golf. Considering the s[...]ffecting 87
students who had paid to be there, is a sad
reflection on the larger Association. Hopefully
a lot of lessons were learned from the dramas
that[...]f will be
better prepared fora second ‘Games in a
non-Uni town come 2009. And as for rowdy
student[...]rain in Taranaki next year. Especially if you're a
pair of shoes belonging to a cop. Wicked.


$3l .50

(With Student[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (15)F


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (16)[...]. “m . Pioneer Highway

g g A L L $1 Tuesdays
R E E N .. 1/2 Price Wednesdays[...]oor old kiwi Scott Wills, whose
bad impression of a gritty cop is consistently laughable) - or its
sp[...]to most vampire , . ..

films ever made. So for a New Zealand ' (’m not Saytng (If, S The new NOS[...]Saffron Burrows

Perfect Creature is not bad for a vampire film, and not bad
for a Kiwi film, giving it a good sound status of “not bad".
Which is not aa female detective with gumption, and Dougray Scott[...]is supposedly set in an alternate 605 reality in a crazy,
imaginary land called Nuovo Zelandia. I say “supposedly"
because the setting is clearly intended as a pseudo-London,
including references to the Queen[...]ld have been picked out at
Max. So the setting is a bit of a bust, as far as I'm concerned,
and sometimes a little distracting.

with heavy grey skies and wh[...]era,
rather than l9605 retro. Perfect Creature is a genre-bending
vampire film whose focus ‘on the heroine’s haunted past, a
rogue vampire who needs to be brought to justice, and a
viral civic sabotage plot, lends it an enjoyable[...]wrought crap-on-fangs that was
Underworid. it’s a fairiy standard noir—esque plot with a
vampire twist and a hammy conclusion, and there aren't
really any big surprises in the film, nor a great sense of humour.
The good news is that it is a bit creepy; a little unsettling now
and then. The bad guy is th[...]makes you want to shut him up, but he is at least a little

What is important about this alternate reality is that in Perfect
Creature, vampires are a well-known cult referred to as

“The Brothers". As you might infer from the name, they are

a religious order (created by a genetic accident), who find

it their calling to[...]tefacts
(albeit the vampires‘ own).

It’s not a great film. It is a pretty good vampire film. and an
okay way to spend an hour forty.


Lei[...]Christmas gift idea of 2007.
Unfortunately, I was a bad little boy and 7
Santa Claus never left a Guitar Hero under my
Christmas tree. Well Santa c[...]Hero series, let me explain. Basically,
you play a variety of rock songs on a
miniature guitar that plugs into your game
consol[...]aving strings the, the
Guitar Hero controller has a “strum bar"

and coloured “fret buttons". The[...]featured mainly
cover versions of songs, GH3 has a greater
proportion of master recordings. Classic[...]tle mode.

In battle mode you to face off against a
friend, using different power ups to disrupt
your[...]ers get off your punk
asses and learn how to play a real guitar
instead of playing a silly game?" Well, the
reason why Guitar Hero is[...]her video game, it lets you instantly
escape into a fantasy; it just so happens that
many people fantasise about being rock stars.
Plus learning how to play a real guitar involves
way too much hard work.

: You might want to steer clear of GH3 if you

r are:

a) Epileptic. Seriously, this game
involves constan[...]er on.

Look out for the upcoming Gurfar Hero: c) A puss*.

Aerosmith, where you will follow t[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (17)4,,« r a.“

Directed by Craig Gillespie
Starring Ryan Gosling, Emily
Mortimer, Paul Schneider

Lars is a difficult film to categorise. Do

you know what[...]esque?
Probably not. If you’ve ever seen It’s a
Wonderful Life (probably over Christmas on
working together, learning lessons, mending
broken hearts. Well, there’s quite a lot of
that. There’s also a dude who proposes to a
fully-anatomical sex doll he ordered online
and moves her into his brother’s house. So
quite what kind of a film Lars and the Real
Girl is, is difficult to[...]urce of
much of this, keeping the speechifying to a
minimum and allowing both the dialogue
and the silences to breathe. She also has

a sound understanding 'of the kind of film
she’s making, and though in many ways
Lars constitutes a rather downbeat rom—
com, she never pushes the key moments
too for. Director Craig Gillespie has a
similarly controlled grasp on the visuals,
slow never feels slack or aimless. There is

a trust that Gillespie asks of the audience

— th[...],
Jessica Alba’s bosom

l.Fade up from black on a cityscape in slow
motion. All random peeps moving[...]White cane. We watch her move and walk
and after a few moments, then... Then. Then
her voiceover tel[...]what the visuals mean for myself. Phew! That
was a close one.

2. She just looks wrong for the movie[...]. Young, yes,
emotional weight, definitely, with a wise-
beyond—her—years feel, you know? But that
person is certainly not Alba. As a filmmaker.
how do you make a universe that your lead
stands out from and feels[...]truder

in? That sort of dialectic would make for aa film - this
film - ugh, it’s not that she's t[...]engaged in any sense
of the word. I’m watching a ghost, scattering
photons coming off a screen. An observer
and the experiment. That cold[...]he lines, so the understated
performances are not a bonus but crucial
to the film’s success. There is a lot of space,
physical and emotional. to the scen[...]uty, would be deflated;
reduced. Oliver provides a minimum of
explicit exposition, effortlessly laye[...]hen it’s gone.
It’s too hard to get scared in a film, when
you’re irritated over what it is ex[...]are doing.

INTERLUDE: Sony, l forgot to give you a plot

1. Jessica Alba is blind.

2. Jes[...]ain.

3 cont'd. ...her new eyes are
doing. Not in a charming.
trying to solve the film's
puzzle vibe. but more a
“Christ, they’re just being
arbitary" way - a[...]e Spiderwick Chronicles
Nims Island

Horton Hears a Who
Semi Pro

St Trinian’s

Street Kings
understanding and enjoyment of the film as
a whole.


At once comedy, drama and bizarro social
satire, Lars and the Real Girl is at heart a
comprehensive psychological portrait of
one excep[...]ection (it’s that .
increasingly unusual thing, a movie which 2
actually likes and respects its cha[...]ple). Things don’t always add up, and
there’s a little too much gooeyness in the
middle that almo[...]erything — and largely
because of it - there is a real ring of truth to
its portrayal of Lars the character. Oliver,
Gillespie and the cast have put together aa true breath of fresh air.

Rudiger me Martini[...]d star Rudiger is

claiming to be this week?
What a cheeky monkey!

William Mulrhead

I'm be[...]ded was nothing major, just
something to give him a reason to let go of his

I've been di[...]learnt
in the movie? She’s actually talking in
a voiceover that includes, "What I
learnt was...”[...]no respect for me.
lt just makes me sad. If I was a
director and read this script, I
would punch the[...]inator and
yes, audiences are
retarded, there’s
a difference
between making
films for an

it to to'be in

to win a double pass to the movie of_ '
your choice at Dow[...]. ,
Lisa Wong ’

6. Walk up to the
screen. Take a pillow.
Say, “Let’s go." Hold
the pillow down[...]‘. ‘ t'r‘ i Z' 3 o

\ r »' «: .-'*’ z
- a . , r
'wDIy QBIILIEma of xi; L ~ - «mysge[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (18)[...]irl who can‘t remember
her family; Francoise is a mentally strained
mother searching for her daught[...]e idea for the film had two geneses for
Petzold: a group of “missing children“ notices
in a post office in France, and a Grimm‘s
fairytale he read to his daughter, called “The
Shroud“. In this table, a woman’s longing for
her dead child keeps the gh[...]Petzold said “Real life in film is always only a
caricature". This can be reduced even further
bec[...]m is very self~
consciously about.

The film has a voyeuristic undertone: the
scenes are shot with s[...]nd her friend Toni dance together, their
intimacy broken by the gaze of a man in the
film, but also by our own curiosity.[...]f the most moving scenes in the
film, we see how a character slowly opens
up her innermost self to become, in a certain
way, transparent. it is no coincidence that
the scene is a casting call, a situation in
which one wants to be seen at any price.
Nina and Toni both audition for a film called
“Girlfriends". Mumbling and shy, J[...]cter begins an improvised
monologue. She tells of a dream — one that
everyone knows in some form. Of a girl who‘s
new to a school class. Of the beautiful,
idolised queen th[...]her desire to be looked at by this queen. We
see a girl telling the story of the dream that
Petzold’s film is showing. We see how a desire
has produced a reality that may be no more
than a chimera. And we understand that,
ghosts being wha[...]etzold said “Real life in film is always

only a caricature”. This can be reduced
even fu[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (19)[...]_\_ V ~ WWKW:7.\«¢WVer’M-wfi‘fiwwfis". «A,

,, . 4 rzrrmquwlflmwr y.

Horse The Band— Sex Raptor
a Tony Lee @ The Regent on Broadway. 8pm. Adults $3[...]ist Show. I .
8 (4) Detrort Cobras— Nothing But A Heartache
‘ - ' d'e—folk band hit Palmy as pa[...]m I .z 10 (10) The Datsuns— Highschool Hoodlums
A monthly showcase of local and out of town talent.[...]. With guest vocals from
Canadian, Gordon Downie, a whole
new dimension is added to the song.
The Girl is the one that does it for me.
It's a lovely song about his “beautiful
girl". In this one, Green reminds me a little of
Jack Johnson, but way better!

and soul, and melt you into what appears
to be a warm syrup-like substance; so
strong, yet delicio[...]as soothing as
his voice. Death of Me and Body in a Box

Back in 2003 I heard someone call Muse “th[...]t

The DVD is almost everything you want in

a live concert DVD. The 90,000 fans that
packed out Wembley make up a typically
energetic and enthusiastic British crow[...], fireworks and
three giant video screens create a mind-
blowing visual experience.

H.A.A.R.P. (an acronym for High Frequency
Active Auroral Research Program) is the
new live album from Muse, a band widely
regarded as one of the greatest live acts in
the world. H.A.A.R.P. comes as a CD/DVD
package, with the CD being recorded on
Jul[...]ssions, pushing
aside past feelings, I'm
actually a little bit impressed.
I don’t mean to be, ‘cause
just the idea of this band
makes me cringe a little, but
it's not so bad.

The track list is m[...]footage of Feeling Good has also been
released as a music video to support the

The editor must have had a great task in
assembling the video footage as it[...]Don’t you just hate it when you're listening to
a live album and the band is talking a whole
bunch of sh*t with the audience between
up and play? Well there is none of that on
H.A.A.R.P. ; the most you hear the band say
between son[...]acks
Apocalypse Please, Deadstar or Absolution

H.A.A.R.P. is an essential album for rock fans.
The CD is 7! minutes of Muse schooling the
world on how to make a worthwhile live
album. The DVD is as spect[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (20)[...]us mechanisms for the processing of stimuli. if
s a stimulus becomes familiar, and a specific

; response is consistently appropriate, then a link is
formed between stimulus and response suc[...]ts.

“Ever since I met you the world has become
a dark, sh*tty abyss of never ending horror. Our
friendship is a daily reminder of how much I want
to kill myself. Whenever I am forced to endure
a conversation with you I find myself reciting
l20 Days of Sodom so that I can escape to a
happier place for from your idiotic discourse.
want more than to see your decapitated head
on a spike. Having the disembodied contents of
your to[...]also
be pleasant to me. Or perhaps I should have a
taxidermist take to you so I can give your body
to a European bureaucrat who shall degrade
your carcas[...]allic objects on
film so that when I ’m having a sad day] can
watch it and feel that justice can exist, even
in only a small way. Actually that could work
because I cou[...]l bar of the car that
you were conceived in, with a camera mounted
next to them so I could watch, and[...]over, your reproductive organs being
crushed into a cliff at 300Km/H

“Had I been going to bed earl[...]y, the seemingly
impossible problems facing us as aa symbol of the narrator's id. As unfortunate as
Fr[...]eir occupation. But even students tend
to develop a pretty concrete routine. You wake up
in the same[...]some few places most

g weekends. Maybe you have a job, probably an
entry-level position at some placethat employs a
lot of people. You probably find yourself an
interchangeable component in a large team,
where you perform the same small num[...]bility to
understand our surroundings. We live in a society created by
a tiny minority of our species: a handful of scientists, inventors
and philosophers[...]improves everything, and this leaves us stuck in a
paradox. The rest of the species lives in a world created by
the best of. us, relying on devi[...]It means l'm making an impact on someone,
and as a voice of the Massey community I need feedback
lik[...]ewhat—coherent comment on it
then please, do me a favour and write something. Except for
you, Agboy[...]of
any concept of external reality. Do the world a favour
and get your farmer's ham fists on a dictionary >
instead of banging them indiscrimina[...]keyboard and calling it an opinion. Nobody gives a '
f*ck what you thinkbecause nobody can figure o[...]y
that are so rife in your runny piece of sh*t of a column.
You can’t even figure out what the fuc[...]ent of vomiting on someone's shirt and calling it

Actually, in all seriousness, Agboy's a shining example of
the general human condition, a[...]are f*cking
morons. That's okay though, there‘s a perfectly good
reason, and so long as we're aware[...]The human brain develops, over the’cout’se of a lifetime, ' . 1

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (21)AA.

to create for ourselves or even
effectively maintain. We require
a certain number of individuals
more capable than o[...]modern life licking over. We‘re
like monkeys in a space ship,
trained to push the right button
but[...]ible, because the life our
ancestors lived was in a constant state of flux. We were at the
mercy of[...]keep up. But now we’ve pulled ourselves up into a life of
comparative ease and we don’t have to a[...]fectly, without ever slacking off, for
seven days a week for the rest of your life then you’d be on[...]o escape the chaos of nature we have

established a system, an order so all—pervading that it’s
turning us into robots.

This is more than just a disappointing fact of life. It’s death. if
you'[...]ovation is the one WW
and this leaves us stuck in a paradox. The
the Species lives in a worl
us, relying on devices, sys
we have no idea[...]est of

terns and ideas which
r ourselves or

ire a certain

. swam-us», A ,,

the population with the

m» , .[...]g that
makes us alive. We
become little more than a walking corpse stumbling blindly
to the grave, se[...]HOME MADE PIZZA

Make an Italian style pizza with a whole meal base, topped
with olives, tomato, toma[...]system healthy and ward off diabetes. it is also a source of
magnesium, calcium, iron, inc, selenium[...]emperature regulation) metabolism
and is need for a healthy immune system. B group vitamins are
required by the body to use energy provided by food. Olives
are a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which decreas[...]s and red capsicum
are rich in lyco'pene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, which helps

preventdisease. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight.

Pizza recipe


1. Combine yeast, sugar, and water in a small bowl and

leave for i5 minutes or until frothy.


2. Sift[...]ly floured surface for 5 minutes.
Put dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a

tea towel and leave in a warm place until dough
doubles in size.

Roll out dough and place in a pizza pan.

Top dough with ingredients

Bake at 2[...]g









Pineapples are a rich source of vitamin C, which supports
the immu[...]body secretion taste


Grapes are a good source of vitamin C and folate. High


This is a tasty little snack. I recommend cutting the pita[...]arly yummy.
Hummus — made from chickpeas — is a good source of
carbohydrates, B group vitamins (n[...]folate),

and selenium. Sundried tomato pesto is a good source of
vitamins A and C. Pita bread is low in fat and a good source of
carbohydrates and fibre.

ROASTED[...]s pistachio, macadamimhazelnuts and almonds.

e v a s . ,“._.
I. I I-r II 1 fi‘z“

are aa fantastic source of fibre, which comes mainly fr[...]thod

1. Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl

2. Cut butter in until mixture resembles fine

3. Add milk and mix quickly with a knife to a soft dough
and knead a few times

4. Roll out the dough on a floured board to 0.5cm
thickness and cut into th[...]ough into about 12 sections.

7 Put each slice of a tray lightly dusted with flour and
bush with bea[...]minutes or until golden brown

if you want to ask a question, just drop me an email at

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (22)[...]Me and my flatmate (a guy) have been best friends for years. There’s[...]him?
Cause I know I shouldn't start anything with a flatmate. But if I do that, I
might lose him com[...]together and go out together, cause it's not like a
new relationship where you have to move slowly. W[...]I do?

Nervous, Hokowhitu.
Dear Nervous,

That's aa good mate of yours, you should have those lines of
communication open already. Also, if he is a good
mate, he wouldn’t diss you for fancying him, probably
just mock you relentlessly about it for a while. The

basic advice is this: Suss him out,-s[...]ls and
equally most women are pretty abstract and a lot more subtle then they think they
are SO you w[...]d be: I like you, I have feelings for you, I have a crush
on you, l would be interested in some inter[...]ting with other girls, and you think that there's a genuine chance he will date
someone else quite so[...]ding how he feels about
you? You need to give him a chance to see the scenario with romantic eyes (this
process may take a few days...) and then give you a firm yay or nay on the matter.

Also consider is[...]making you fancy him?
We often found when making a new friend, its usually starts out as a bit of a crush
because they are new and exciting! Same with old friend in a new scenario — maybe
you’re just seeing him i[...]chance to magically
support and encourage YOU as a whole person. It also means they know and trust
y[...]h it!
Anyway, it still doesn‘t mean this is not a new relationship. You will have to renegotiate
change that. Who knows? You may discover he is a hard core Dominator or maybe
just maybe, he secre[...]er.



_. emu»):me q szww:

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (23)25_ :gCHAFF : Monday 28 April 2008

M A "All—22 or? UNIQIIII

Words by Danny Rudd

Hey[...]he end of my
stint on The job, I thought I'd
take a few minutes To reflect
on what I've got up to in[...]he-


There's been a bunch of fun
events Through The year...
we've gone bowling a few
Times, and I've embarrassed
myself royally, but That's okay
because who ever heard of a
nancy-boy like me doing well
In sports?? Ha ha, a[...]Frisbee, and even
soccer once or Twice, which
was a laugh and a half, Too.

Our DVD nights at MaLGRA
have b[...]fing our faces with junk
food. Best way To spend a cold Tuesday in
The middle of winter, I Tell you.[...]ar I was just one of The
Ioons running round with a Torch. finding
chocolate and stuffing my gob, w[...]To get

The goodies, There's The running round In a
panic Trying To hide The Things and shoo off
The[...]group run wild and hear Them having
fun. There's a fair few students who don'f
have Their families n[...]ally neat to be able To make [mU§'C Video/T"

it a bit easier for Them. ’ L V r

so if was a blast. The conference itself was
awesome... meet a bunch of cool people
from around The country, lis[...]speakers Talking about all Things
Queer, slept on a marae (hadn't done That
since I was a wee thing!!) and went out

on The Town (succeeded[...]onal Conference in Auckland
in July last year, in a van full of loud, cheery
hom*osexualists, some fro[...]from PalmyTron. REALLY long Trip, but we
stopped a few Times along The way for food
and to Take phot[...]. on campus in The second
semester, and that was a

7 lot of fun Too — we handed
out stickers, lol[...]e Them away
To unsuspecting straight
guys, we put a bubble
machine on concourse and
' watched as iT[...]assers-by.
and we walked around
The university as a group

‘: parading big white letters
that spell[...]I also want To use This opportunity To say

a huge Thank you To everyone who's lent
Their Time[...]heir
cars) to make UniQ happen This last year
and a bit. Meada, Gareth, Luca — Thanks
for always sh[...]e at
MUSA This year and last, for helping me find A
my round and explaining Things patiently
when m[...]T intend to change our practice. As well as being
a social occasion, it's an education forum and To t[...]ot all students take Their girtfn'ends. Some Take a female

friend. It’s about protocols and decoru[...]odelling behavrours
in keeping with the values of a Catholic institution. .
The Queensland Education[...]thusiasm and contributions of its
members, it’s a great way to meet new Amamm
people and learn how[...]sity itself work. The National UniQ

I've written a couple of
articles for CHAFF, Trying

To cover something a bit

:: different — one article I

, remember o[...]lind, another
was about people‘s


Queensland University of Te[...]I . .

lecturer Dr Angela Dwyer, who is authoring aa blast, you
all are fab, and see you at Uni[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (24)[...]What's him i mum" 3h
O O 0 § “P E
- Living in a flat - so much better then living in the i V-can[...]ankin it as per usual... g Tissues 0-60 %
she’s a keeperlllllll For those who don't 5 §
know her s[...]im he i
lives at 95 Linton street and is going to a

Beijing this week to see if he yvill qualif[...]ll oweek was amazing and it's starting
to be just a glitch in our memories. 80 l thought id take
the[...]ed of the week

mmafiflg mwfifl [] fl , with a beach party at the fitz on valentines day. There[...]ver know you might pick

ya self up a drunken chick

- Insufficient funds - So[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (25)[...]majority culture, until I realised it was a pointless exercise. One
f: of the things that the[...]its inventor. This drink has become the focus of a hall effort to
have it served in as many bars as[...]ial. The resulting toppled tables, smashed glass, broken
_ chairs and general mayhem, give us all the oppo[...]ir everything. Plus who doesn't want to wake from a

' comfortable dream to the sound of the hall cha[...]ls who insist on
decorating the kitchen floor in a delightful mosaic of frozen
vegetables and cracke[...]of table-stealing
has also become quite popular. A table on a roof becomes

a statement, not mere alcoholic—fuelled vandalism[...]ng
the day.

The weekly hunt for the TV remote is a frequent activity on
our list. At last count we h[...]endless game of capture the flag, only it's not
a flag.

neck. Tuna-breath. The value of keeping m[...]for these. Rain during the Mini Olympics gave me

a convenient excuse to miss seeing my hall lose. I[...]Gumboot.

And the list goes on...possibly making a continuation of this
subject in the next issue ne[...]sucked m to the community p” or not.

thing as a non-drinking hall resident, unless you happen to[...]se I question whether you
can truly be considered a university student. I have tried to
avoid the dri[...]VE MOVIE ABOUT


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (26)a;


“this” PEATURE IS det[...]who don’t.
Believe that everything happens for a
reason. If you get a second chance,
grab it with both hands. If it cha[...]romised it would be
worth it.”

ANGEL KELLY CEO A.K. Enterprise L.L.C.

“We’re being taught to[...]day challenged

. to be neighbour/y. The call for a worldwide

good—neighbour policy is more than an
ephemeral Shibboleth; it is the call to a way
of life which will transform our imminent
cosmic elegy into a psalm of creative
fulfilment. No longer can we a[...]. We cannot long
survive spiritually separated in a world that is
geographically together. In the fi[...]ore the man on life's Jericho
Road, because he is a part of me and i am a
part of him. His agony diminishes me, and his
salvation enlarges me.

In our quest to make neighbourly love a
reality, we have in addition to the inspiring
exa[...]us, for he
willingly travelled hazardous roads in a cause
he knew was right. His altruism was excessi[...]city of Memphis,
Tennessee, as the wellspring of a potent future music
explosion, blending spiritual[...]as boiling down to who and what she
represents as a statement of social fact. My insights do not

In Tupac's quotation above, he proposes a trading places
solution to addressing social ills[...]I hold with those who regard it as
presumption if a man of low and humble condition dare to
discuss a[...]nderstand
the nature of the people it needs to be a Prince, and to
understand that of princes it need[...]on Machiavelli‘s "method, the method of taking a
current problem and then examining it in a practical way

in the light of the experiences of others who have faced a
similar problem in the past".

Amusingly and some[...]b. Belial wants to go back and attack heaven with
a vengeance, going down in flames if need be. Molo[...]ade humanity and snatch their souls. Mammon
wants a sort of “heaven away from Heaven”, beating[...]mericans in the
musical and cultural expansion of a city — a creative fusion-
that was lost by a neo-conservative agenda that has swept
away the e[...]Martin Luther King’s concluding remarks to his sermon about
the Good Samaritan raise the very good question of what

it means, then, to be a good neighbour— to be helpful to
others. Jesus first told the story of the good samaritan to

a lawyer baiting him with theological complexities and
semantics. Jesusjust mentioned neighbourliness, a quality
that Dr King has offered as a practical and effective way of
dealing wit[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (27)\X/E'RE LIVING IN A

Hello out ther[...]o down to registry on campus.

Time management is a huge thing to try and
do well at before starting[...]n you'll study and when you'll relax.
Relaxing is a huge part of it all too. People
tend to relax in[...]to
the quiet room that is up here at MUSA. It’s a
room where you can go and just relax. And
it is what the name says it is. It is not a room
for study, it is a chance to get away and
have some quiet.

Then aga[...]re
and their knowledge is better for it. I've had
a couple of exam times like that and my
health suff[...]y have
skipped half the classes and slept through a
quarter of the others you do still know what
you[...]want to show off your club or group?
Then put up a display in the Library. We‘re
the heart of the university, so what better
place to attract a bit of attention to your

You're welcome t[...]nty Helen managed to

_. achieve for us in nearly a decade and more
to the point what has she achieve[...]t day. We
can produce food and fibre products at a

: lower price and with greater efficiency than[...]on both Levels
1 and 2, and can provide you with

a notice boardand a table. And it's

If you're interested, you'[...]e wrong was with the

signing of the Kyoto, I‘m a tree-f*cking hippy,
protocol! The

farmland is
going to be stung. This is a huge issue in the
central north island where in[...]able hills of Hunterville
and Taihape. Talk about a good f*cking way
\ to eliminate millions Of dollars entering our
, economy. If she had a single farming bone
in her body she'd be buying[...]DE were wideiy
appreciated. .

What to expect. A low key talk on

the Dangerous-Question by Colin for
about 25 minutes andvthen a time of '
chatting and questions afterwards.

3; What‘s more, those farmers that have a
percentage of their farm covered with native
‘[...]e. At least
4 if it were pine trees we would have a store
_. of carbon credits. And although no credi[...]e. If you
have any questions feel free to give
us a call on Massey 5597 or direct dial
350 5597

Warm[...]sgjg’ ou ve o'nly
you y ' manigemen g'beégel,
a ’%”c?i’ tar fi.


The '2‘: dz emf:[...]hough we are responsible for
wmch that space. ‘ a greater portion of New Zealand’s GDP we
are a minority and when the dumb bitch who
Massey Univgrsny Library ‘ runs the country decides to pass a new bill

Sure, but not because I
dn'r have[...]e the rack for it in this country.


In a recent article published in Rural
Contractor and[...]and this information just emphasised how
much of a misconception biofuel production
is. When soils a[...]51.5

is that? One of the strangest things _ ' of a carbon hectares in

I experience on campus is how few ’ 3 TD , (YD , _ 24hrs a total of

questions students have :2:::¥hm Kl“[...]e
amounts Of carbon to the atmosphere to

produce a product to achieve the same task,
is it really vi[...]o interest on
my loan. I’m quite keen on buying a house
too one of these days, how bout interest free
home loans that would be a much better way
to rack up debt in this country..[...]o
economic success in this country. So how

about a change people? Lets see what
National can do.[...]g ....... ..not only
does Helen Clarke look like a ranty old dairy 1"
cow, she’s failing to produc[...]er to 027
653 3320

...That’s not actually
a good flung to say

done right now. Is it?

You a[...]fi‘l“fl‘**=.‘”‘~ K

5mm“ A .

/ x i . . r
: :'\ ._~ 1.. , , ,[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (28)Buy a gift from WishList and we’ll send

it to a child and their family. Your mum l l: A Tree

Certificate, and together you’ll be
help[...]e loads of gifts to choose from.
So give your mum a Plumpy treat at:[...]67 I68

, Save the Children

:. 7 , ; r I '
_- a, ,r
i l; .-
; g. r *

NEXT WEI-2k} eooo[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (29)[...]in the opposite
direction. But some of them were a little better than that.

Let me point out to you that this article is not a “how
to pick up chicks" guide. Because I can’t help you there, I'm
sorry. This is merely a chance for me to try and rid the world of
uncomfo[...]no REAL theme for
Chaff and that it would be just a random mix of this and that, I
felt it was necess[...]ice on how to strike up general
conversation with a random person. Whether it is to kill time, or
you[...]lk to, you must always be careful when talking to a

We all experience them on a daily basis. When we go into a shop,
supermarket, sitting in a taxi or when we ask for directions. 30 why
is it[...]p conversation with the guy sitting next to me at a One
Act Play festival while waiting to go on stag[...]ed and what my phone number was all because I had a conversation with

the guy, therefore ”wanting"[...]time. For instance if you are talking waiting for a bus, talk about how the bus drivers
always seem to be having a bad day, or how they can never be relied upon to get you anywhere on time. A taxi driver once asked me such personal questions about

my degree I felt like a failure when i got out of the car. Not to say I'm[...]tten work
experience. Apparently volunteering for a student newspaper is not enough work experience f[...]on’t be an arsehole. If you're

wanting to have a conversation with somebody you don't know, don't say things that may make him or

her want to curl up in aa friend who went out to dinner with a guy. As you can probably
guess this is exactly wh[...]t people's illnesses and pets than you could poke a stick at. it's
depressing and sometimes gross. Go speak with a friend or paid professional like a therapist or
a doctor (especially if you've got diarrhoea...).[...]ing them feel like they're trapped or
that you're a weirdo, you may end up in a cell. either the barred or padded variety.[...]


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (30)[...]A " .,:.. • .[...]What do they call a Quarter Pounder 1n France?[...]1) A sh*tty photopoll, that's what.
1) Sorting out[...]on?
2) Did you rea lise your head smells like a[...]RGH!! MY KNEE!!
3) (squinty) I chase you with a stick.[...]4) Andy Fitzroy, 1935. What a character.
4) What's an All Black?[...]- and go in the draw to win a $20 book[...]a g ~ 1 g ~r ii- i ~ .g s[...].-..Q..oo Q.. = a[...]a
18. oQ.. 0 a ~- ~ C1> ~ ~~ . s· = ~ g.~ ~[...]Buy a shot ol Jager
29 Mistake (5)[...]and you have a chance
30 Pledge (7)[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (31)[...]6 This Week in History and a[...]d cowering 29 MUSA Columns
in a doorway. "Why the crap didn't you warn me he was[...]th Team Racing Events
If its your Birthday or a special occasion then
an adrenalin rush is a must
Kids have fun tool Karts for 6 ye[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (32)[...]press association
~lJS.A[...]esent your member is in a position they
- Volume 75 Issue 07[...]Bryson to you) and I have done quite a lot I here in CHAFF.[...]I But from a position of some proximity to Ying-[...]1 But unfortunately for all of us, quite a few things : Yue. Matt and the rest of the gang,[...]and hold people to account, but it takes on a :
FAX:3505665[...]en those people are your mates 1 off for a much-needed three-day weekend,[...]d by the sheer weight and you know for a fact they're doing their 1 you can trust[...]raged
a damn fine job for the most part. Even when[...]know about it. 1 police tasers and a wild dog they've been[...]as usual, it's not an accurate one. A lot goes on : in the afternoon of Anzac Day,[...]As some you know, MUSA is working to get a to consult Massey University. Another[...]niversity Games held in Rotovegas. a long process and we have an even longer[...]o with the way to go before you can enjoy a cold one in posted with any developments[...]the lounge. The reason why we are pursuing a I know I do this every week but I still[...]he social aspect of Unigames lounge is a central part of campus and would be 1 have writte[...]is an integral reason for why a lot of people go. an ideal place to chill[...]held in a non-university town, and it looks like at o[...]really does not help build a healthy perception
Gemma Lindegren[...]udd Last week was also a difficult week because
E.J.B. we had a Special General Meeting to discuss
Massey P[...]ssey Chaplaincy vacant. On a personal note I did not enjoy going
Duane "A Rock" Johnson through this pr[...]are not necessarily Graduation may seem a while away but it is
those of CHAFF staff[...]advertisers. I would just like to make a special mention that
CHAFF is printed at APN Print in MUSA is organising a ball to coincide with the
Wanganui, and CHAFF's views week. Keep a look out for more details soon,[...]Mubar this Wednesday from 7pm. If you and a I[...]few mates feel like having a bit of a challenge[...]night a go. All proceeds will be going to a good L[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (33)[...]me to get a grasp on the basics of the :I COW[...]I person who has bought a Massey hoodie)[...]) it looks poorly on us for
have found that there a lot of Dear CHAFF.[...]I She now lives in my office. Here is a scan of 1[...]as, ironically, printed right
we will, if we want a drink we'll alongside this letter- "CHAFF is not a[...]s that demand drinks experience a mental illness being[...]taken away "for a nice holiday in
will also be demanding equal the nuthouse". He then refers to a[...]some "Massey Pride", market and
pay. Isn't this a contradiction? previous period of[...]thout illness have enough of a battle[...]1 made, but is rather a pretty mild reaction : gods they no dou[...]rtooth I have been a pretty distressing situation for 1 Yours[...]seen a floating corn? Yummy.[...]I like to make a raft out of toilet paper...
EMAIL YOUR LETTERS TO[...]: WE ALSO MAKE A[...]now AND later. Should I suffer a wet ass &[...]: about them for an extended period, a little : Dear Chaff, I must commend you on your I found a new meaning for the word 'cling-
I just wanted to[...]: I am now a'ttempting to fas~iRI) _a_:J::1air1of_r.v 1 : An_n!e Anal
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (34) RUTH GIBBS PRESENTS A CHOICE ASSOR[...]ess than 24 hours later, Hitler reportedly tested a cyanide[...]itler was satisfied, and both he and Eva bit into a
particularly great, let alone an empress. More to[...]mself in the head at
she wasn't Russian - she was a German princess living in[...]He did.
at the age of 16 she was married in a political alliance to the always kill the kin[...]name at the same time to "Catherine", the name of a[...]torture, or possibly just a brutal bashing. However, the reality[...]for (a) Novel. Which is weird, cos I thought "Gone with[...]r was informed of his pal's death and,
ruling for a grand total of six months before he was overthrow[...]wind" was just a fancy historical kind of Mills & Boon, but there[...]escape capture himself, he wrote his will and
in a palace coup due to huge unpopularity; and his nob[...]Is it a bird? Is it a plane? NO! It was ... well, a
she herself reigned for another 34 years until[...]figured that its brightness meant a new star was
To be fair, it wasn't the same perso[...]environment is a bit important would be well advised to go and[...]have a listen. For all those who don't, Nandor will be f[...]Tanczos asked if we'd like to publish a column he's written especially[...]relationships and a sense of connectedness, a[...]rt the transition before it is
waterways are just a few. All political parties[...]eather events are possible, but require a rethink of the[...]1 a disruption to established weather patterns,[...]a kind of clip-on to corporatism, but which
the glo[...]I Conflict over resources is a major element incorporate ecological pr[...]1 and international tension as a result. We can either crash, or we can negotiate a
corporations today in any way match these[...]COME AND HEAR NANDOR TALK
there is a lack of real action at nearly every[...]CE DEPLETION AT MASSEY
resource depletion require a much more reach 8.2 billion (a[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (35)[...]for humanity that have been
of a new documentary[...]humanity is clever and they
Farmer John makes a point of[...]may happen as a result of their[...]lligent than human beings,
Do you think there are a lot of parallels[...]with nature and improve it. That's
I haven't seen a lot of the New Zealand[...]a very, very doomed outlook.
farming culture, a little bit, but there are[...]cause humanity is just not
and there seemed to be a strong affinity. I[...]used seems to be the
same. It feels like there's a strong resonance[...]touched on
very strong . The film really touched a[...]In the film. Was there a specific
nerve in Australia, it hasn't really bee[...]We came up with a mission[...]to share a story and not read[...]a sermon. It was to ... not to
too have been from Australi[...]. have a lot of brilliant answers. But time and[...]with a number of mission statements.[...]nts was
For agricultural students? Well, I think a
big mistake that's made with training[...]to share a tale of tenacity, another[...]website.
be constituted inwardly in such a way
that you can actually survive as a farmer,[...]Zealand. I would imagine
of observation. So that a farmer can
increasingly deepen the relationship w[...]in a lifestyle relationship with the land
the land and[...]important things to look at. It sees that to a certain degree 1
aspect of organics that le[...]ow
Gore said when he introduced the film, this is a film about[...]up to be like our parents" - it's a story very suited to people[...]1 market but when students see it as a group they often go[...]1 crazy. I showed it to a group of bio-dynamics students in
Learning detail[...]ey see computers, they was like a rock concert.
it? How do you really work on balan[...]love to think that they have a lot of brilliant answers. But
because so much of[...]for The Real Dirt on Farmer John, playing for a llmlted time
So what would I say that people shou[...]ent ID up to the CHAFF Offices this week will get a pass
and learn about the natural cycles of[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (36)[...]nothing in I feel better for a while, until you realise that There's this guy[...]• up was a vet, b ut my
don't like any of the same : have left is a dead dog. The god of the dead on campus I d[...], and when I try to talk 1 has a dog's head though so it isn't all bad: and[...]I with Anubis. More likely he 'll rat you out as a I fell into a rubbish bin and : really ha[...]o 1 should keep trying or find a new
: morning with a plague of fleas which is what
down a can of beer and belching 1 dead[...]I call them fleas. a really funny joke and when I I want to do with my life?
do I connect with him on a[...]When I was a little kid, I wanted to grow up
Dear Miss Lor:iel[...]I to be a scribe. I knew the hours would be[...]and when she came over to talk to me, a[...]1 a new path for yourself in life, and my path[...]I is to be a laughing mummy. It's not all bad;
before other hu[...]1 teeth, too. And I have a lot of mummified
their bathrobe ALREADY, and in c[...]laughed, a tampon fell out I investigate taxi[...]1 nothing sexier than a woman surrounded
to scream, then you scream in th[...]of my mouth . How do I stay
like a motherf*ckin' mummy and throw a[...]this super Dear Laughing Mummy,
getting a divorce. I haven't[...]ow do I get my girlfriend to be
lived at home for a few years[...]to talk to me, a bone fell out of my Whenever I suggest a new
affect me as much, but I[...]mean my shrivelled, perverts do. Are you a pervert?"
of our family. Speaking of[...]blue, I find that it
helps to sit and think about a few of my publicise that there's a curse on your lady l reluctant to experience the[...]there's a curse on my tomb it's like visitors 1 them someth[...]twenty-four hours a day, just DYING* to 1 trust me. Usuall[...]stick a crowbar into that sh*t, and they 1 jars[...]never bring a bottle but they eat all my 1 lik[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (37)incidentally, is also what they call my penis a pretty jar next to me, which also helps I D[...]nd my mummified
about explaining that you are not a pervert stomach-removal ahead of most pe[...]xy mummy ladies with skimpy
but she is definitely a frigid prude and you If you really need t[...]out of luck, nerdlinger,
could get more play from a dead girl. And Mummy Diet. The Mummy D[...]the Machines, "slave" is a euphemism for penis. Which it 's
earlier days by[...]knock on the : friends to lock you in a tomb full of scarabs I of computers, and althou[...]Version Live 500 filled 1
to be a magazine bean stick,[...]rdly ever rose I
lifted out of my house by a[...]nst us, too, but :
crane and then buried in a[...]me about weight-
less. The key to weight-loss is a secret
which me and the mummy brethren hav[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (38)[...]SPECIAL GENERAL
via a Special General Meeting (SGM) ,
after the student[...]tion.
The SGM, held last Wednesday, was called as a result of[...]ORGANISERS
a process that began after Mr Jia made a volunteer feel[...]Toga Party Orientation event and
refused to write a written apology as requested by the MUSA[...]ociation
Executive, though he was willing to make a verbal apology to
the complainant.[...]New Zealand (USNZ) in the aftermath
a vote of confidence in his abilities, which is wha[...]trashed.
devolving into a feedback loop of redefinitions, accusations
and e[...]The group issued a press release last week that stated,
both to some diverting questions from the floor and a lack of " Damage to a Rotorua motel during the recent University
suffic[...]he fact that the games are largely funded through a
preliminary business, Miss Zhao briefly outlined[...]ghlighted
in the meeting . Mr Jia, was then given a chance to defend[...]that the event is funded though a compulsory levy is a
himself, following which the students had the opp[...]Student Choice jumping on a story to push their own[...]agenda. Student Choice had previously issued a press
Key amongst these, as had been the case in[...]student loan system is a good tool for Student Associations
meetings, was[...]Games are funded through a compulsory levy imposed on
Jia responded that thi[...]ther or not they
he was drinking, was not wearing a Volunteer shirt, and had
arrived separately for t[...]nal
students were present, to which two replied - a disappointing[...]the Toga Party as a student goes to USNZ. This amounts to $3.70, $3.75 or $2.50 a year[...]for a student depending on how many credits their cours[...]person,
though he still was not willing to write a written apology. He
and not as a MUSA Officer.[...]Although Student Choice do raise a valid point in saying
on what he did wrong, he fe[...]licitly, commit to not repeating - the behaviour, a points frequently, partially[...]one's freedom of association, they have a tendency to go
view he had expressed to CHAFF a few weeks earlier.[...]e had attended and initially won a certain If they want to use the fact that students pay a compulsory[...]cause, then they should by all
the Toga Party as a student and not as a MUSA Officer. Mr
Jia returned to these two points[...]means do so. but to try and draw a correlation between[...]the compulsory levy and the misbehaviour of a few Victoria
second language communication difficulties, and initially
won a certain amount of sympathy from the collected gro[...]y one student afterwards as "ranty", was probably a result session. Attendees were not tol[...]e elected
to the floor. It was also very possibly a decisive factor in the I (as opposed to expre[...]ither reflects his inability to listen or ask for
A failure to clearly communicate, unfortunately, wa[...]guidance, or a lack of training.[...]1 was used inconsistently. Miss Zhao on a number of occasions
the exclusive province of Mr. Jia. The whole meeting h.a d[...]the time of questions from the floor, to resemble a 1 a number of occasions didn't. More concerning was t[...]oint was disappointed to be voted out by a meeting of just over
fact, as evidenced by a number of questions towards the[...]international students."
the Exec. The motion was a vote of confidence in Mr. Jia policy written on rolling a member. A standardized wording
and his value to the Association, not a vote to remove him . I[...]I would help a lot. It's important to remember that MUSA has[...]eing removed from the MUSA Executive. Mr Jia said
A more appropriate approach would have been to make[...]never had to do this before, so this was a learning experience
this plain before open[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (39)[...]elements of his role of student representative in a
premises by a MUSA staff member, after the suggestions[...]ut the situation, saying that the issue
Despite a newly ratified MUSA Code of Conduct which[...]Executive and he does a good job," said Miss
do a few small tasks which included sending out emails[...]story was written, ex-International Officer
in a subsequent conversation later claimed that he[...]Executive by SGM vote as a result of inappropriate
was also on campus to a[...]p. I already
knew that (Monday) was pretty much a spare day, I
didn't have anything on. So just to do a couple of little
things and then go again . But of course, I talked to a[...]to suffer the consequences a s outlined in the MUSA[...]ATTEN:T ION
couple of people and then went to a Pagan meeting."

Before he was escorted from th[...]Executive Code of Conduct (which extend from a verbal[...]from their position.)
further enquired whether a female co-worker might
"want a threesome"? He was later seen chasing a young "I don't think that it is appropriate to get drunk a nd[...]· pen f o r
woman, believed to be a Massey Pagan, out of the
MUSA Lounge onto conco[...]given a verbal or written warning, whatever one the
tol[...]continued behaviour in a formal manner, though now[...],
with leader John Key last week announcing that a
National government would invest $1.5 billion in[...]tional's "medium to long
term vision" is to have a fibre connection in almost every TOURNAMENT[...]basketball team and Massey a FREE general admission
in support of National's[...]ing that it would result
in Telecom operating as a monopoly in the market, as it[...]win a Jets prize pack and[...]Wednesday 28 May
was a "damn good idea" for Labour Party canvassers[...]ut government pamphlets, however TV One
produced a recording of him saying those words at the[...]g their annual He Is a Lecturer in the Faculty of Medical Sciences
Vict[...]ersity of the West Indies. His area of expertise
A violent crime every nine-and-a-half minutes. A sexual want you to play.[...]Human Physiology, specifically neuroscience, with a heavy[...]n learning and memory and
attack every three-and-a-half hours. A robbery every[...]neurodegenerative processes.
three-and-a-half hours."[...]students who do not have a recreation centre pass will have[...]for the Caribbean Region
- Best introduction for a press release we found this
week: United Future[...]you will need to outline your grade (A,B, or C) and discipline[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (40)[...]Miles has always a[...]went on to say that "you develop a bit[...]of a relationship with them just like you[...]Pearce is a walking it's particularly great weather[...]very true I also realised that Miles had spent a
smoke without fire. Influential stars Daniel[...]he Otago
Carter, Nick Evans, Jerry Collins and to a European clubs at[...]the Jets was because, "my first year
This poses a number of problems . At this William Web[...]piss; if you can't out here I had a lot of fun. A couple of
point in time the New Zealand Rugby Uni[...]my second year and stuff like that. A[...]f these guys are great guys, (I)
$1 .9 million by a French club, which would Zealand's rugby is at a crisis point. This is an[...]When you watch a Jets game you will get on well with them ... lt's a good
make him by far the highest earning rugby[...]to be in, good bunch of
player in the world, and a price the NZRU future may not be far fro[...]calls the referees
respective offers. Collins is a player that is their spots in a team that is held with svch[...]3 on 3 tournament that will be played
always been a hard running flanker, but in I leave you[...]games and stuff, where ... as a group and sponsoring the basketball ni[...]If you can answer these
window of opportunity for a professional questions please forward y[...]the referees a lot. When I asked about tend to get drunk. I was a student, and
of these players have not only their[...]that you know that a lot a places just[...]us. The club unites active participants
who share a love of the outdoors and adventure.

Every weekend there is typically a choice of two or three trips, often including pur[...]t MUAC is its friendly atmosphere, which provides a superb place[...]u are just 4) Get out of Palmy for a few hours
For instance, just a couple weeks ago many people joined us for "basic[...]week
learned the very basics of rock climbing in a safe, affordable but fun environment (all gear come join us! We have a regular group
provided, lots of nonsense in the e[...]y as well as during the 5) Get a l 0% discount at Crank-
spanning two days (plus a pool session) where participants were taught the[...]BP, it Cycles when you become a
water kayaking on the Otaki river.[...]ay night at 5.30pm, with 6) Have a break from studying
these courses people learns proper snow walking techniques, ice axing, cramponing, and a members leading the class.
little ice climbing too, all affordably priced for a student and from the comfort of MUAC's own We are a new club, setting UP. officially for[...]lls, such as what to take tramping or how to read a map and[...]the great outdoors, regardless of whether you're a seasoned outdoor[...]who is new to the wilderness. In addition, it is a great way to see scenic New
Zealand while studyin[...]t 7pm in ICLT in the vet tower. Membership is $30 a year. Any[...]2) Have a good time on the bike
inquiries please e-m[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (41)[...]What could be more important to a rea l price on polluting our en[...]allows life to flourish. Without a healthy and processing than to continue[...]environment how can we as a species pollute and waste. To ach[...]over production at a more sustainable continue on the wa[...]a strong economy but recognises[...]dolphins going extinct for the sake of a[...]people and our way of life is to put a[...]a changing climate will have on
only by crime
stati[...]makes it illegal to be a member of
a criminal organization.[...]ronmental and conservation issues
whether ours is a safe society. easier for polic[...]ernment that told Climate change is a justifiable
I support National's strong stand on Law
and Order and its vision for a better
New Zealand. We want you and your[...]ly $4,000 per hectare We should adopt a policy of least
night. You should feel confident[...]• to plant. Inevitably there was a surge in[...]to ensure that our Police are
resourced 24 hours a day for 52 weeks of
the year. They are our best r[...]• that it was a billion dollars out on how[...]its would be confiscated supports a bipartisan approach to[...]not a reduction in prison numbers, is[...]a priority .
deserve.[...]land use as opposed to
Recently National outlined a number of[...]replantation. That has prompted a Innovation is also important in[...]le tax.
1. Introducing tasers, subject to a more effective, and building a safer future[...]It's hard to imagine a more disastrous country and good for[...]e arrested our city and be assured that a National[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (42)[...]EMY BRYSON, WITH WILLIAM MUIRHEAD

t was a balmy Friday afternoon in
the CHAFF Offi[...]Games. And, for all we knew,
they were all having a lovely time.

But from the first return of a MUSA delegate,
we got the inkling that perhaps th[...]e'd all believed.
As the others returned to work, a web of
bitterness and recrimination was revealed[...]of food being included," said MUSA Events
sniffed a story we didn't have to leave the building[...]ould have : of Massey's Uni Games team, "A few people
to write, and that's just our kind of[...]1 been better, and a number of the group did I came and asked m[...]ave been some l
University Games as a deeply chaotic affair. Games 2008, a disaster of such prehistoric 1 confusion a[...]posed to be : "I think it would have been a better move to
The media have had a field day reporting magnitude that the[...]ith MUSA's organization of But let's take a look at our own glasshouse : the confusion[...]h participants and team before hiffing a rock at USNZ. What of MUSA's 1 not spe[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (43)[...]the Victoria students were well behaved and
such a hassle it might have been easier to for apparently a mess in itself and so[...]room from each motel deserved to be
became quite a mission, partly because the[...]ooms, from what I
by MUSA officials, which became a problem contributed to Mr[...]of 1 held in a non-university town for the first time[...]ame directly at the rain and wind.
were contacted a couple of weeks[...]er we paid for the lodge to be told a jelly-wrestling event that was arranged as[...]A recent article from Salient reporter Seonah
acces[...]trashing drama. The article states that a
go from the lodge the Massey contingent[...]glazier inspected the broken window at
was staying at. Because it was "pissing[...]the window was accidentally broken by
told us, for much of the week, anyone[...]s opposed deliberate vandalism.
who wanted to use a toaster had to brave[...]him the mess
anywhere that any of us have gone to a[...]1 the students had made.
backpackers there is a kitchen, there are us that that was not[...], there are pots, and there are pans. to have a drink with them all week, so on the for ca[...]mally need. final night he agreed to play a drinking game damage. This damage is repor[...]that, but then made the stupid and linen, a broken bed, a broken window I the women's hockey team . Othe[...]decision to give into student requests to do a and broken appliances. The students are also 1 results[...]h no!), : inaugural road cycling competition, a sliver
provided shuttle buses also added to MUSA[...]non-smoking rules, and just been plain 1 and a bronze in kayaking, and a silver medal
woes with officials under pressure t[...]s in the wet and He later passed out from a combination of 1 was blown way out of pr[...]by "Students are an easy target to blow a story : and inconveniences to the team desc[...]games in ten years, and that wasn't a Victoria I CHAFF congratulates all these athletes on
.a thin tissue of lies, "There was probably no "It was basically just the fact that after a long, student".[...]yone got left in the stressful week I made a few stupid mistakes[...]longer than about 20 minutes, and at and had a big blow-out," said Lawrie. CHAFF[...]ed no irritation at Adam's to pee all over a cop. Yes, you read that I level. Both ov[...]endees we spoke correctly: peed all over a cop. Though : management left much to[...]d in the conceded, the whole episode was a mistake, it's awesome. But back to Mr.[...]1 students who had paid to be there, is a sad
much larger city of Christchurch, and further[...]ggerated due to student involvement, : a lot of lessons were learned from the dramas
Park'[...]the Wellington 1 better prepared for a second 'Games in a
the torrential rain than actual distance: "The a USNZ official.[...]rain in Taranaki next year. Especially if you're a
not just headed in one direction ... it wasn't[...]the majority of : pair of shoes belonging to a cop. Wicked .
actually that far a distance." Nonetheless, it happy with the co[...]I
remains CHAFF's view that a more thorough cancelling the white water kayaking, a day
examination of what exactly was being of tennis, and a day of golf due to the bad
offered to Mr. Lawrie[...]erious non-existent shuttle buses? He said
or not a comprehensive bus service was
running - would hav[...]social events. There appears to have been a[...](With Student 1.D,)
when competitors told a MUSA official that "To have perfect info[...]relaxation& hot stone massage, electrolysis,
been a reasonable request - after all these seve[...]a jelly-wrestling event that was arranged[...]35936 or Text 021 106 6315
checking in, involving a considerable
restr.ucturing of the ac,comr[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (44)[...]ows bad impression of a gritty cop is consistently laughable) - or its[...]scenery than
Perfect Creature is not bad for a vampire film, and not bad monster battles and so steer away from anything they know
for a Kiwi film, giving it a good sound status of "not bad". they can't[...]gue, which inspires surprisingly
Which is not a criticism: most vampire films of recent years[...]plied to most vampire
films ever made. So for a New Zealand I'm not saying it's the new Nosferatu -what
production team to tackle a rather
damned genre (pun intended!) and
almost get away with it is a feat I am[...]with heavy grey skies and what seems an
as a female detective with gumption, and Dougray Scott[...]rather than 1960s retro. Perfect Creature is a genre-bending
Desperate Housewives) as the va[...]e film whose focus on the heroine's haunted past, a
is supposedly set in an alternate 60s reality in a crazy, rogue vampire who needs to be brought to justice, and a
imaginary land called Nuovo Zelandia. I say "[...]ng
because the setting is clearly intended as a pseudo-London, film-noir quality rather th[...]crap-on-fangs that was
Max. So the setting is a bit of a bust, as far as I'm concerned, , Underworld. It's a fairly standard noir-esque plot with a
and sometimes a little distracting. vampire twist and a hammy conclusion, and there aren't[...]really any big surprises in the film, nor a great sense of humour.
What is important abou[...]y is that in Perfect The good news is that it is a bit creepy; a little unsettling now
Creature, vampires are a well-known cult referred to as and the[...]makes you want to shut him up, but he is at least a little
a religious order {created by a genetic accident), who find disturbing.[...]is rarely played up in vampire films It's not a great film. It is a pretty good vampire film, and an
of recent ye[...]stmas gift idea of 2007.
Unfortunately, I was a bad little boy and
Santa Claus never left a Guitar Hero under my
Christmas tree. Well San[...]o series, let me explain. Basically,
you play a variety of rock songs on a
miniature guitar that plugs into your game[...]g strings the, the
Guitar Hero controller has a "strum bar"
and coloured "fret buttons". The[...]Rocks The 80s featured mainly including a probably[...]I
cover versions of songs, GH3 has a greater storyline in career mode and batt[...]tracks In battle mode you to face off against a[...]asses and learn how to play a real guitar
include Sex Pistols' Anarchy in t[...]instead of playing a silly game?" Well, the
Rolling Stones' Paint[...]I a) Epileptic. Seriously, this game[...]escape into a fantasy; it just so happens that I
lik[...]Plus learning how to play a real guitar involves
Veterans of the series w[...]c) A puss*.
to play).[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (45)[...]The Bucket List
Lars is a difficult film to categorise. Do I[...]reet Kings
Probably not. If you've ever seen It's a I
Wonderful Life (probably over Chris[...]Horton Hears a Who[...]ng together, learning lessons, mending l
broken hearts. Well, there's quite a lot of I[...]St Trinian's
that. There's also a dude who proposes to a l[...]-
quite what kind of a film Lars and the Real l
Girl is, is dif[...]a whole .[...]satire, Lars and the Real Girl is at heart a
Lars is an offbeat movie that plays out[...]interest increasingly unusual thing, a movie which
much of this, keeping the speechifying to a[...]work is done under the surface there's a little too much gooeyness in the
a sound understanding of the kind of film[...]n many ways 1 performances are not a bonus but crucial truth of its central theme, but despite that
Lars constitutes a rather downbeat rom-
: to the film's success. There is a lot of space, fact the film Lars never attem[...]key moments
too far. Director Craig Gillespie has a
similarly controlled grasp on the visuals,[...]because of it - there is a real ring of truth to[...]·A ·:JOLL't
performances and pacing, which though
s[...]'s Gillespie and the cast have put together a HOLLYWOOD[...]quiet-spoken, unpretentious film that is as
a trust that Gillespie asks of the audience
- that[...], reduced. Oliver provides a minimum of[...]"'Wko. a/111; !/?"[...]e, quietly introducing back story also a true breath of fresh air.
sequences, is its total[...]What a cheeky monkey![...]some mediocre editing something to give him a reason to let go of his I've b[...]Scorcese.
1.Fade up from black on a cityscape in slow , It's too hard to get scared in a film, when 5. The end of the film. What's[...]: INTERLUDE: Sorry, I forgot to give you a plot us that she's blind again? Yeah, we g[...]m the images - remember how that works?
and after a few moments, then ... Then. Then I[...]sica Alba can see. a voiceover that includes, "What I[...]It just makes me sad. If I was a
what the visuals mean for myself. Phew! That[...]director and read this script, I
was a close one. :[...]1 doing. Not in a charming,[...]ing tell that the guy I puzzle vibe, but more a[...]dentity of the
emotional weight, definitely, with a wise-[...]a difference Then write that na[...]between making
person is certainly not Alba. As a filmmaker,[...]to to be in
how do you make a universe that your lead behalf of he[...]audience that likes to win a double pas.s to the movie of
stands out from and[...]inemas.
in? That sort of dialectic would make for a climax, but really it's just[...]Drew Barrymore
exhibition? ... Yes.). However, in a film - this final decision by her doctor[...]screen. Take a pillow. Last Week's[...].. I'
of the word. I'm watching a ghost, scattering moment, doesn't mean you[...]projection stops. Pick up
photons coming off a screen. An observer load her fi[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (46)[...]only a caricature". This can be reduced
April 30th[...]intimacy broken by the gaze of a man in the[...]n the first place is
her family; Francoise is a mentally strained
mother searching for her da[...]film, we see how a character slowly opens[...]up her innermost self to become, in a certain[...]the scene is a casting call, a situation in[...]Nina and Toni both audition for a film called[...]er's c haracter begins an improvised
Petzold: a group of "missing children" notices monologue. She tells of a dream - one that
in a post office in France, and a Grimm's everyone knows in some form . Of a girl w ho 's
fairytale he read to his daughter, called "The new to a sc hool class. Of the beautiful,
Shroud". In this fable, a woman's longing for idolised queen that e[...]heaven and earth, in the twilight see a girl telling the story of the dream that
zone[...]Petzold 's film is showing. We see how a desire
has produced a reality that may be no more
Petzold said "Real life in film is always only a than a chimera. And we understand that,
caricature"[...]8pm in Cinema 2
The fi lm has a voyeuristic undertone: the Members onl[...]Society Membership is available at
dollies, a llowing the camera to get very the do[...](We will text -you a $30vooc:her to spend on your birthday.)[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (47)[...]8 (4) Detroit Cobras- Nothing But A Heartache
THURSDAY[...]ornstars Comedy Club @ Globe Theatre. 8pm. $10.
A monthly showcase of local and out of town talent.[...]ustic has blown 1 Canadian, Gordon Downie, a whole
me away again, torn my heart in two and[...]1 It's a lovely song about his "beautiful
Perhaps exceedin[...]1 girl". In this one, Green reminds me a little of
Sometimes, Bring Me Your Love is equall[...]rt
and soul, and melt you into what appears
to be a warm syrup-like substance; so[...]REUI EU: Ml\JJ~~ -H.A.A.R.P
strong, yet deliciously soft. His melodic[...]could reach I
his voice. Death of Me and Body in a Box I AJL[...]1 a live concert DVD. The 90,000 fans that

ALBUM REU[...]H.A.A.R.P. (an acronym for High Frequency 1 packed out Wembley make up a typically[...]new live album from Muse, a band widely 1[...]the world. H.A.A.R.P. comes as a CD/DVD[...]llites), amazing lighting, fireworks and
actually a little bit impressed.[...]ongs including I three giant video screens create a mind-
I don't mean to be, 'cause[...]tracks including : The editor must have had a great task in
makes me cringe a little, but[...]released as a music video to support the
new single The Night,[...]a live album and the band is talking a whole : between the band members.
really; if I li[...]ngs? Don't you just wish they would shut 1 H.A.A.R.P. is an essential album for rock fans.
Just li[...]H.A.A.R.P. ; the most you hear the band say 1 world on how to make a worthwhile live
them; they steered away from the[...]The only real beef this reviewer has with
This a lbum is poppy and catchy and that's[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (48) BY THE ACCLAIMED·AUTHOR Of "Sing A Song of Stabbing: Popular Opinion The Musical"[...]a stimulus becomes familiar, and a specific 1[...]response is consistently appropriate, then a link is 1 automatic responses generally increas[...]ue to be reinforced so long as the stimulus is
a dark, sh*tty abyss of never ending horror. Our[...]ious when there 's some existing
friendship is a daily reminder of how much I want[...]k consciously about : instinct or an a c quired addiction .[...]we do or see. That's why even guys like I
a conversation with you I find myself reciting[...]ht?
120 Days of Sodom so that I can escape to a typing and[...]s time goes by we all develop more and more
on a spike. Having the disembodied contents of[...]ly
be pleasant to me. Or perhaps I should have a[...]regularly 1 impossible problems facing us as a people, seem to bear
taxidermist take to you s[...]r stupidity. It looks like our unconscious,
to a European bureaucrat who shall degrade[...]to develop a pretty concrete routine. You wake up I start to w[...]se most mornings, go to the same : essentially a symbol of the narrator's id. As unfortunate as
film so that when I'm having a sad day I can[...]weekends. Maybe you have a job, probably an 1 subconscious as the desire to f*ck our parents, but we don't
in only a small way. Actually that could work[...]entry-level position at some place that employs a I have to indulge in his more esoteric theories[...]interchangeable component in a large team, : define it classically, as s[...]in the background.
you were conceived in, with a camera mounted[...]expression of; all the things the
crushed into a cliff at 300Km/H[...]I understand our surroundings. We live in a society created by
Okay, one thing real quick: Be[...]I a tiny minority of our species; a handful o.f scientists, inventors
encouraging. It[...]responsible for all the things we rely on
and as a voice of the Massey community I need feedback[...]improves everything, and this leaves us stuck in a
my column to offer any somewhat-coherent comment[...]t paradox. The rest of the species lives in a world created by
then please, do me a favour and write something. Except for[...]of
any concept of external reality. Do the world a favour[...]n you probably
and get your farmer's ham fists on a dictionary
instead of banging them indiscriminate[...]keyboard and calling it an opinion. Nobody gives a
f*ck what you think because nobody can figure out[...]I
that are so rife in your runny piece of sh*t of a column.
You can't even figure out what the f*ck y[...]I
a conversation. f*ck off.)[...]ive, is our
Actually, in all seriousness, Agboy's a shining example of I
the gener[...]u are f*cking
morons. That's okay though, there's a perfectly good[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (49)[...]and this leaves us stuck in a paradox. The rest of
the species lives in a world created by the best of[...]even effectively maintain. We require a certain
to create for ourselves or even[...]of individuals
effectively maintain . We require
a certai n number of individaa ls[...]t
modern life ticking over. We're
like monkeys in a space ship,
trained to push the right button[...]and take note of
ancestors lived was in a constant state of flux. We were at the[...]keep up. But now we've pul led ourselves up into a life of[...]the less human we
seven days a week for the r~st of your life then you'd be one[...]nd face plastered all over the top of
established a system, an order so a ll- pervading that it's I[...]become little more than a walking corpse stumbling blindly it.[...]nobody actual ly reads it)
This is more than just a disappointing fact of life. It's death. If[...]1 These are a fantastic source of fibre, which comes mainly from
Make an Italian style pizza with a whole meal base, topped[...]I the wholemeal flour and apples. It is also a good source of
with olives, tomato, tomato paste,[...]I 4. Put dough into a lightly oiled bowl, cover with a
and some lean meat [optional).[...]I tea towel and leave in a warm place until dough 1 apple, raisin an[...]system healthy and ward off diabetes. It is also a source of[...]5. Roll out dough and place in a pizza pan. : MINI SAVOURY PINWHEEL[...]: Pineapples are a rich source of vitamin C, which supports[...]spoons baking powder, ¼ teaspoon
and is need for a healthy immune system. B group vitamins are[...]: sweeter.
are a rich source of monounsaturated fat, which decreas[...]es and red capsicum
are rich in lycopene (vitamin A) and vitamin C, which helps[...]I Grapes are a good source of vitamin C and folate. High I
prevent disease. Vitamin A is essential for good eyesight. I inta[...]Sift flour, baking powder and salt into a large bowl[...]I 3. Add milk and mix quickly with a knife to a soft dough
Ingredients[...]I and knead a few times
This is a tasty little snack. I recommend cutting the pita[...]I 4. Roll out the dough on a floured board to 0.5cm[...]I Hummus - made from chickpeas - is a good source of[...]I 7. Put each slice of a tray lightly dusted with flour and[...]: and selenium. Sundried tomato pesto is a good source of I
1/2 diced onion, 50g[...]1 vitamins A and C. Pita bread is low in fat and a good source of I
paste, ½ capsicum, ½-1 cup[...]I If you want to ask a question, just drop me an email at
1. Combine yeast, sugar, and water in a small bowl and I Nuts, such as pistachio, macadam[...]a[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (50)[...]

Dear Aunty.

Me and my flatmate (a guy) have been best friends for years. There's ne[...]Cause I know I shouldn't start anything with a flatmate. But if I do that, I
might lose him[...]together and go out together, cause it's not like a
new relationship where you have to move slow[...]ore pretty abstract and a lot more subtle.then
Nervous, Hokowhitu.[...]n plain sensible words if you want to
That's a pretty loaded question. You are the only person w[...]before making any decisions. If this guy
is a good mate of yours, you should have those lines of
communication open already. Also, if he is a good
mate, he wouldn't diss you for fancying him, probably
just mock you relentlessly about it for a while. The
basic advice is this: Suss him ou[...]d
equally most women are pretty abstract and a lot more subtle then they think they
are SO[...]d be: I like you, I have feelings for you, I have a crush
on you, I would be interested in some[...]ting with other girls, and you think that there's a genuine chance he will date
someone else qui[...]how he feels about
you? You need to give him a chance to see the scenario with romantic eyes (this
process may take a few days ... ) and then give you a firm yay or nay on the matter.

Also conside[...]you fancy him?
I've often found when making a new friend , its usually starts out as a bit of a crush
because they are new and exciting! Same with old friend in a new scenario - maybe
you're just seeing him in a new light now that you live together. Weigh it up[...]ce to magically
support and encourage YOU as a whole person. It also means they know and trust[...]t!
Anyway, it still doesn't mean this is not a new relationship. You will have to renegotiate[...]change that . Who knows? You may discover he is a hard c ore Dominator or maybe
just ma[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (51)[...]end of my
stint on the job, I thought I'd
take a few minutes to reflect
on what I've got up to in[...]UNIQ WANTS YOUIII
There's been a bunch of fun[...]ning, or just queer friendly!
we've gone bowling a few
times, and I've embarrassed[...]ontact us for details!
because who ever heard of a
nancy-boy like me doing well
in sports?? Ha ha,[...]Environ cosmetics & TealBlue underwear
was a laugh and a half, too.[...]s with junk I so ·tI was a blast. The conference itself was[...]er- Bowling!
food . Best way to spend a cold Tuesday in 1 awesome ... meet a bunch of cool people I Dark Easter E[...]: C?ueer, slept on a m<?rae {hadn't done that
I since I was a wee thing!!) and went out[...]loons running round with a torch, finding[...]articles, poems, haiku's,
in July last year, in a van full of loud, cheery I on the town (succeed[...]movies with the UniQ crowd I
stopped a few times along the way for food 1[...]I the goodies, there's the running round in a[...]ying to hide the things and shoo off "A great man reigns over himself with
and to take p[...]I fun. There's a fair few students who don't[...]We had our Pride Week I it a bit easier for them.[...]restigious semester, and that was a
: a huge thank you to everyone who's lent
school for[...]1 and a bit. Meada, Gareth, Luca - thanks[...]: stuff! Thanks to Ying-yue, Jeremy, Matt,
a social occasion, it's an education forum and to t[...]guys, we put a bubble 1 CHAFF, thanks for helping us m[...]• It's topless boys slo-mo fighting in a vat of
"Not all students take their girlfriends. Some take a female machine on concourse and[...]is unlawful, and the university as a group 1 do, helping me out with organising e[...]chools would also not I've written a couple of I first up, is UniQ is what you[...]ave suggestions for
in keeping with the values of a Catholic institution. to cover something a bit[...]I a bit differently, get involved! UniQ runs
Edvcatio[...]A moment of such gloriousity[...]members, it's a great way to meet new
backgrounds".[...]at the The ,w iping av.,ay of a memory
lecturer Dr Angela Dwyer, who is authoring a research bisexuality - and I was I end of June, and it's a great way to learn
paper on "How queer young peo[...]: And that's all from me! I've had a blast, you[...]
Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (52)[...]mUOESH Shop
• Living in a flat - so much better then living in the[...]0.60

she's a keeper!!!!!!! For those who don't[...]to be just a glitch in our memories. So I thought id take[...]with a beach party at the fitz on valentines day. There[...].A,,_ ..[...]ya self up a drunken chick[...]r the warriors .... won a prize.


Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (53)[...]:CHAFF: 28 April 2008

"A2ainst Hall Bondin_ ,
It is inevitable that,[...]majority culture, until I realised it was a pointless exercise. One t Apparently we can't[...]its inventor. This drink has become the focus of a hall effort to 1 pretend we enjoy living in[...]1 decorating the kitchen floor in a delightful mosaic of frozen
to avoid some o[...]ness we I has also become quite popular. A table on a roof becomes
of the bonding. This bonding[...]y people returning from town at 1 a statement, not mere alcoholic-fuelled vandalism.[...]the joyous hours of two or three a.m. This is first-class bonding am told. W[...]ial. The resulting toppled tables, smashed glass, broken[...]ir everything. Plus who doesn't want to wake from a : appeal. One wonders what they do w[...]t The weekly hunt for the TV remote is a frequent activity on[...]l a flag.[...]: And the 1rst goes on ... possibly making a continuation of this[...]a convenient excuse to miss seeing my hall lose. I[...]however; I left the comfort I
thing as a non-drinking hall resident, unless you happen to[...]: never get out.
can truly be considered a university student. I have tried to[...]N f.J.,)f(A 'r-1~[...]Best costume gets a prize!!![...]Come apple bobbing and win a prize!![...]~ SOCIETY'S TREATMENT OF ANIMALS. A MUST SEE FOR ANYONE WHO CARES

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (54)[...]es who don't.
Believe that everything happens for a
reason. If you get a second chance,
grab it with both hands. If it cha[...]mised it would be
worth it."

... ANGEL KELLY CEO A.K. Enterprise L.L.C.

"We're being taught to deal[...]I
to be neighbourly. The call for a worldwide[...]riorities
ephemeral shibboleth; it is the call to a way I brought political succe[...]on wrote: " He set forth openly
cosmic elegy into a psalm of creative[...]: In Tupac's quotation above, he proposes a trading places[...]rote Jay Z "Yes,
survive spiritually separated in a world that is I vice versa. Wher[...]aiave\li hundreds of years earlier in The Prince, a work
I must not ignore the man on life's Jericho[...]ves. They come from America."
Road, because he is a part of me and I am a 1 political success, based[...]1 presumption if a man of low and humble condition dare to[...]ains and of
In our quest to make neighbourly love a[...]: the nature of the people it needs to be a Prince, and to[...]musical and cultural expansion of a city- a creative fusion-[...]' that was lost by a neo-conservative agenda that hos swept[...]velopment.
willingly travelled hazardous roads in a cause also wrote the book "M[...]Martin Luther King 's concluding rema rks to his sermon a b out
for he chose to die on Calvary ,history's m[...]on Machiavelli 's "me thod, the method of toking a it means, then, to be a good neighbour- to be helpful to
magnificent expr[...]1 current problem and then examining it in a practical way[...]light of the experiences of others who hove faced a
unenforceable."[...]a lawyer baiting him with theological complexities[...]semantics. Jesus just mentioned neighbourliness, a quality[...]that Dr King has offered as a practical and effective way of[...]ost comparing the
Tennessee, as the wellspring of a potent future music[...]irs as boiling down to who and what she I a vengeance, going down in flames if need be. Moloch
represents as a statement of social fact. My insights do not[...]humanity and snatch their souls . Mammon
but from a fresh look at the writings of Niccolo Machiavelli[...]1 wants a sort of "heaven away from Heaven", beating[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (55)[...]achieve for us in nearly a decade and more but look at our pro[...]int what has she achieved for New
WE'RE LIVING IN A I can't host any[...]I a notice board and a table. And it's and developed on to t[...]can produce food and fibre products at a[...]Watch that space. a greater portion of New Zealand's GDP we
To admit[...]are a minority and when the dumb bitch who
right now, I[...]In a recent article published in Rural[...]runs the country decides to pass a new bill
Me and exams are about as bad as mixing[...]much of a misconception biofuel production[...]on't signing of the Kyoto, I'm a tree-f*cking hippy, the world ploughing r[...]xperience on campus is how few of a carbon
around Massey that you should take
advanta[...]&ffi-e Wu a,nJ[...]24hrs a total of[...]all christians going to be stung. This is a huge issue in the amounts of carbon to th[...]island where in the early 1950's, produce a product to achieve the same task,
Time management is a huge thing to try and Are all religio[...]solar energy. The most under utilised
Relaxing is a huge part of it all too. People I We'll be l[...]and Taihape. Talk about a good f*cking way really appreciate[...]my loan. I'm quite keen on buying a house
Me? I'm starting to get quite attached to[...]taff
the quiet room that is up here at MUSA. It's a I at Central Baptist Church in town. His economy. If she had a single farming bone too one of the[...]those low home loans that would be a much better way
it is what the name says it is. It is not a room I[...]this country ..... Present it to
for study, it is a chance to get away and I[...]I What to expect. A low key talk on[...]r What's more, those farmers that have a current government has managed[...]about 25 minutes and then a time of
and figures. They cope better under press[...]about a change people? Lets see what
and their knowledge[...]receive no credit for having it there. At least
a couple of exam times like that and my[...]if it were pine trees we would have a store National can do.[...]f we choose to does Helen Clarke look like a ranty old dairy
wellbeing. While exams are tortur[...]ed. They're about showing to your I us a call on Massey 5597 or direct dial producti[...]armers
skipped half the classes and slept through a I 350 5597[...]ancryou .on1'Y a"htevea
a c+ ror,t.[...]want to show off your club or group?
Then put up a display in the Library. We're
the heart of the university, so what better
place to attract a bit of attention to your

You're we[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (56) UMf~·

Buy a gift from Wishlist and we'll send
it to a child and their family. Your mum I: A Tree
2 :The ROCK (to Sit on)
will get a personalised card and a Wish 3: surprise Ena1ng ( Godot)
Certific[...]loads of gifts to choose from.
So give your mum a Plumpy treat at:[...]

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (57)[...]direction. But some of them were a little better than that.[...]Let me point out to you that this article is not a "how[...]sorry. This is merely a chance for me to try and rid the world of[...]sations.
Chaff and that it would be just a random mix of this and that, I
felt it w[...]We all experience them on a daily basis. When we go into a shop,
conversation with a random person. Whether it is to kill time, or[...]supermarket, sitting in a taxi or when we ask for directions. So why[...]lk to, you must always be careful when talking to a[...]p conversation with the guy sitting next to me at a One
Act Play festival while waiting to go[...]ed and what my phone number was all because I had a conversation with
the guy, therefore "wan[...]ast had
sex or what their mother does for a living. Talk about whatever is relevant at the time. For instance if you are talking waiting for a bus, talk about how the bus drivers
always seem to be having a bad day, or how they can never be relied upon to get you anywhere on time. A taxi driver once asked me such personal questions about
my degree I felt like a failure when I got out of the car. Not to say I'm[...]experience. Apparently volunteering for a student newspaper is not enough work experience f[...]wanting to have a conversation with somebody you don't know, don't[...]her want to curl up in a ball afterwards. If their fly is down, then it is[...]my god you wear nano knickers?" I had a friend who went out to dinner with a guy. As you can probably[...]t people's illnesses and pets than you could poke a stick at. It's[...]depressing and sometimes gross. Go speak with a friend or paid professional like a therapist or
a doctor (especially if you've got diarrhoea ... ).[...]that you're a weirdo, you may end up in a cell, either the barred or padded variety.[...]


[...]It was replaced in 2012&nbsp;by <em>Massive</em>, a university-wide student publication.</p>

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28. Massey University Library, accessed 08/06/2024,

Chaff, 75(8), 2008-04-28 (2024)
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Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

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Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.