Money Making Methods Comparison (2024)

Money Making Methods Comparison
This guide will list all possible money making methods with income shown in k/hour (or other time period for cooldown methods). Many methods here are not listed in any other guides, they will also include "how to" explanation if needed. I will assume Battle Points to pokedollars conversion as 1 to 15, taking ability pill as a reference point (2250 BP = 35000$, 1 BP = 15.56$). Time taken to execute each method assumed for average player without using crazy speed-running tactics.

Items and pokemon costs might change drastically from what were listed in the guide, i will try to keep them up to date, but if you want to know current income of any particular method, you can simply insert new cost in the final formula listed in the end of the method description and calculate it by yourself, don't forget to subtract GTL (Global Trade Link) fee (all methods in this guide assumes selling in GTL, direct trade will make slightly more money).


For things like Potions, Repels and Pokeballs I use buying price instead of selling price, since you can use them yourself, and therefore save respective amount of money. For berries, that aren't widely used, I set plain 1000$ as a default price.

GTL fee is 5% from the cost, but can't be lower than 1000$ for a pokemon and 100$ for an item, and can't be higher than 25000$.

If you know any methods, not mentioned here, or find mistakes in the guide, let me know in the comments.

Credits to the Money Making Guide, which inspired me to make my own:

Methods with Cooldown

This methods are prioritized if you want to make maximum profit, however trainer rematches get outdone by some Unlimited Methods, so it's not recommended to spend more than one hour on each cycle. Amulet coin cost is assumed to be 20k.

Gym Rematches 420k/day

While having level 100 pokemon in your party, each gym leader gives you around 9000$ on average, for 33 gym leaders (-Giovanny, +Chili, Cress, Cilan), this will result in ~300k total, or 450k with amulet coin. It takes around 1.5 hours for prepared player with good team to rematch all gyms, so i am reducing final income by the 1.5 costs of the amulet coin (20k x 1.5 = 30k). This will result in 280k/hour, which, despite cooldown, might be important to compare with other methods. For more information and teams examples follow this guide and associated guides, listed inside it.

Trainer Rematches 300k/6 hours

Credits to Trainer Rematch Guide. Don't forget to rematch Cynthia in Undella Town (Unova) each day in the spring and summer seasons (seasons changes every month).

In 1st Amulet Coin i was able to make ~195k (which results in 175k/hour), in 2nd ~140k (120k/hour), 3rd and consecutive amulet coins will provide even smaller amount of moneys, due to low trainer rewards at this point, so i don't reccomend doing more than 2. Read spoiler for the list of trainers i fought:


1st Amulet Coin:


Morimoto (Castelia) 23490$

Socialite Marian (Route 13) 8100$

Gentleman Yan (Route 13) 8100$

Lady Isabel (Shopping Mall 9) 6120$

Rich Boy Manuel (Shopping Mall 9) 6120$


PI Carlos (Route 214) 9000$
Rich Boy Trey (Route 222) 6360$

Belle & Pa Ava & Matt (Route 210) 7896$

Veteran Brian (Route 210, requires Defog) 6240$

Ace Trainer Ernest (Route 210, Defog) 4896$

Double Team Zax & Jen (Route 210, Defog) 6000$

Ace Trainer Alyssa (Route 210, Defog) 4800$

Gentleman Jeremy (Route 212) 5880$

Socialite Reina (Route 212) 6000$

Rich Boy Jason (Route 212) 6000$

Lady Melissa (Route 212) 6000$

All 6 Ace Trainers in Snowpoint Gym 5940$ x6

Any 7 Ace Trainers from Routes 225-229 ~5550$ each (Some of them Require Rock Climb and/or Surf to reach them)

195k total.

2nd Amulet Coin:


The Rest 7 Ace Trainers from Routes 225-229 ~5550$ each (Some of them Require Rock Climb and/or Surf to reach them)

All 5 Rangers at Routes 225-229 ~5300$ each (Some of them Require Rock Climb and/or Surf to reach them)

2 Ace Trainers in Canalave Gym 5184$ x2

2 Ace Trainers at Route 215 4704$ x2

3 Rangers at Route 212 4560$ x3

Beauty Nicola (Route 222) 4368$


Clerk Wade (Castelia Battle Company) 4704$

2 Rangers at Route 11 4536$ x2


Wally (Victory Road) 4950$

Rich Boy Winston (Route 104) 4896$

Lady Cindy (Route 104) 4794$


Lady Jacky (Island 5) 4794$

Lady Gillian (Island 5) 4896$

141'280$ total

On 3rd and consecutive amulet coins you rematch all of the rest trainers from the guide, but they provide really small amount of moneys, so it's not actually worth it.

Note: Morimoto rematchable only once per day, so on the second cycle income will be lower.

Elite Four Rematches 440k/6 hours

Rematching E4 with regular team might end in spending more moneys, then getting, due to lack of free healing between fights. But there is one OP tactic banned in competitive, but allowed in PvE - evasion. I am using next pokemon for my rematches:

Money Making Methods Comparison (1)

Blissey will also work, but you may try literally any bulky pokemon with Double Team. This tactic still don't eliminate item's using completely, but minimize (pun intended) them as much as possible, i am using X Defend or X Sp. Def (for Shuckle) at the beginning of some battles, depending on the pokemon i am setting up against, and healing items, when something goes wrong due to RNG. This results in around 40k spendings per full run. Each Champion gives 66k at level 100, resulting in 99k with amulet coin, this method is quite slow due to long setup, so it takes around 2 hours to rematch them all, you also getting 2k BP from each E4. Final formula: 400k - 40k - 40k + (8k BP x 15 = 120k) = 440k. 220k/hour.

Leppa Berry Farming 180k/day

Check Berry Farming Guide if you don't know how it works in this game. Leppas are most wanted berries, so it's easy to sell them all, don't forget you can use trade chat and sell them directly to avoid GTL fee. I am assuming all berry patches in both Unova and Hoenn are used (189 total). I planting both leppa and berries, that provides seeds for leppa (rawst, pecha, cheri) at the same time, I use ratio of 27 rawst, 27 pecha, 57 cheri, 78 leppa which is as close to self-sufficient as possible, but you still have to sell extra and buy missing seeds in GTL. If you REALLY like berry farming, you can create several characters and farm on all of them, in that case I recommend to exclude Hoenn patches, since they are too small and far away from each other, this will result in 150k income per harvest. All time combined to plant, water and harvest berries results in around 20 minutes, which gives this method an effective rate of 450k/hour. Also, check watering guide for efficient farming.

Unova Story Rerun 1000k/run

To farm berries on several characters you have to unlock farming spots on that characters first. And redoing story on new character is actually pretty worth it, especially with prepared pokemon mailed from main character. And best region for it is undoubdetly Unova, since it has 2 exp. shares and, most importantly, mentioned berry farming spots. For this run you should skip as much trainers as possible (since money they give are not worth spending time) and collect all items and hidden items, except for the ones, that are too far away from story route or too cheap. It will take around 5 hours, after some training, and thus result in ~200k/hour.

Unlimited Methods


Banette believed to be the best pokemon for this methods, make sure it have Frisk ability.

Fossils Farming 180k/hour

Credits to This Guide for Kanto Island 1, i was using this method, due to Dome Fossil and Old Amber being quite high priced, compared to other fossils.


It takes me 3 minutes on average to break all 13 rocks and reenter location, each rock have 50% chance to encounter a pokemon. Next statistic was collected from 75 encounters and might not be entirely correct: Helix and Dome Fossil - 4%, Old Amber - 3%, Hard Stone - 5%, Everstone - 10%. Prices: Helix - 5000$, Dome - 8500$, Old Amber - 11000$, Hard Stone - 1500$ (directly to NPC shop, due to GTL fee), Everstone - 5400$. Math: 60m / 3m * 13 * 0.5 * (0.04 * (4750$ + 8075$) + 0.03 * 10450$ + 0.05 * 1500$ + 0.1 * 5130$) = 183'885$/hour

Final Formula: 5.2 * (Helix + Dome) + 3.9 * Old Amber + 6.5 * Hard Stone + 13 * Everstone

Turnback Cave 170k/hour

By breaking rocks in Turnback Cave you can get Sinnoh fossils and everstones, and also encounter rare Spiritomb. Considering how many there in small area and you don't even need to wait until respawn - this is one of the best rocksmash farming spots. But don't forget, that rocks before first Pillar do not contain pokemon.


It takes 25 seconds on average per each encounter, including empty rocks, wild encounters and time to catch spiritombs. Next statistic was collected from 100 encounters (including ones you getting while moving between rocks and rooms) and might not be entirely correct:

Armor and Skull Fossil - 3%, Hard Stone - 5%, Everstone - 7%, Spell Tag - 4%, Spiritomb - 4%.

Prices: Armor Fossil - 5000$, Skull Fossil - 7000$, Hard Stone - 1500$, Everstone - 5000$, Spell Tag - 1500$, Spiritomb - 10000$.

Math: 3600s / 25s * (0.03 * (4750 + 6650) + 0.05 * 1500 + 0.07 * 4750 + 0.04 * 1500 + 0.04 * 9000) = 168'408$/hour

Final Formula: 4.3 * (Armor + Skull) + 10.1 * Everstone + 5.76 * Spiritomb + 19500$

Amulet Coin 170k/hour

Main method of farming them is using Sweet Scent on Kanto Route 5 to summon Meowth Hordes. There is also Mankey hordes, run from them, even if your Frisk pokemon shown an item, this Payapa Berries not worth your time.


It takes 19 seconds on average to deal with each horde (either running or thieving) and 140 seconds for the set of 6 hordes (with maxed Sweet Scent PP, including time to get to pokemon center and back, use Teleport to make it fastest). According to my statistic collected from 150 hordes, each Meowth horde have 1 to 9 chance of holding Amulet Coin and the same chance of holding Quick Claw, and there is 50% chance to encounter Meowth horde and the same for Mankey horde. Amulet Coin cost is 20k, and Quick Claw not worth selling in GTL due to fee, so just 1000$ by selling it to NPC mart. Math: 3600s / 140s * 6 * 0.5 / 9 * (19k + 1k) = 171'428$/hour

Final Formula: 8.6 * (Amulet Coin + Quick Claw)

Lucky Egg (Small) 140k/hour

Due to recent patch, farming from Hordes became harder, since at level 34 Pelipper learns Fling, which most of the times nullify your efforts of trying to thief lucky egg, to prevent it you have to teach your Banette Imprison and Fling, by using Imprison it will stop all Pelippers from using Fling. I was farming at Ever Grande City (Hoenn) from single encounters, but most of the other locations have the same chance of encountering a Pelipper.


Each encounter takes 20 seconds on average, either running or thieving. Chance to encounter a Pelipper is 35%, according to my estimation from 50 encounters it can hold Lucky Egg (Small) with 5% chance, Damp Rock and Pretty Wind with 10% chance each. You will also encounter Tentacools and Tentacruels with the rest 65% chance, which can hold Poison Barb with 10% chance. Prices: Lucky Egg (Small) - 40k, Damp Rock - 500$, Pretty Wing - 100$ (directly to NPC), Poison Barb - 1500$ (directly to NPC, due to GTL fee). Math: 3600s / 20s * (0.35 * (0.05 * 38000$ + 0.1 * (400$ + 100$)) + 0.65 * 0.1 * 1500$) = 140'400$/hour

Final Formula: 3.15 * Lucky Egg (Small) + 6.3 * (Damp Rock + Pretty Wing) + 11.7 * Poison Barb

Mt. Coronet (Grass) 140k/hour

Absol have a chance of holding Life Orb, which is very valuable, out of all locations it appear, this one shown to be the best, due to many additional valuable items, including Soothe Bell.


It takes 15 second per encounter on average. Data was collected from 200 encounters, but this is still not enough, so percentages here might be far from truth. I don't know exact chances of encounters for each pokemon, so i estimate chance to thief each item instead:

Life Orb - 0.25%, Hard Stone - 0.5%, Magnet - 0.25%, Float Stone - 1%, NeverMeltIce - 2%, Icy Rock - 4%, Cleanse Tag - 0.25%, Soothe Bell - 0.5%, Colbur Berry - 0.5%, Focus Band - 0.25%, Moon Stone - 0.25%, Comet Shard - 0.1%, Metal Coat - 0.5%.

Prices: Life Orb - 80k, Hard Stone - 1500$, Magnet - 3000$, Float Stone - 4000$, NeverMeltIce - 4700$, Icy Rock - 2000$, Cleanse Tag - 3900$, Soothe Bell - 20k, Colbur Berry - 1000$, Focus Band - 7000$, Moon Stone - 2900$, Comet Shard - 12500$, Metal Coat - 5400$.

Math: 3600s / 15s * (0.0025 * 76000 + 0.005 * 1500 + 0.0025 * 2850 + 0.01 * 3800 + 0.02 * 4465 + 0.04 * 1900 + 0.0025 * 3705 + 0.005 * 19000 + 0.005 * 1000 + 0.0025 * 6650 + 0.0025 * 2755 + 0.001 * 12500 + 0.005 * 5130) = 138'924$/hour

Note: Colbur Berry can't be stolen by Thief, due to being used in the process, so if you care about it, you'll have to use a pokemon, that also can learn Covet.

Kanto Power Plant 115k/hour

Muk have a chance of holding Toxic Orb, which is very valuable, out of all locations it appear, this one shown to be the best, due to many additional valuable items, including Light Ball.


It takes 20 second per encounter on average. Data was collected from 200 encounters, but this is still not enough, so percentages here might be far from truth. I don't know exact chances of encounters for each pokemon, so i estimate chance to thief each item instead:

Toxic Orb - 0.25%, Nugget - 0.5%, Black Sludge - 0.5%, Electirizer - 0.25%, Smoke Ball - 1.5%, Light Ball - 2%, Oran Berry - 4%, Magnet - 0.5%, Metal Coat - 1%.

Prices: Toxic Orb - 80k, Nugget - 5000$, Black Sludge - 5500$, Electirizer - 13k, Smoke Ball - 1500$, Light Ball - 13k, Oran Berry - 1000$, Magnet - 3000$, Metal Coat - 5000$.

Math: 3600s / 20s * (0.0025 * 76000$ + 0.005 * 5000 + 0.005 * 5225 + 0.0025 * 12350 + 0.015 * 1400 + 0.02 * 12350 + 0.04 * 1000 + 0.005 * 2850 + 0.01 * 4750) = 115'515$/hour

Final Formula: 0.45 * Toxic Orb + 3.6 * Light Ball + 37000$/hour

Heart Scale 105k/hour

I used Ever Grande City location (Hoenn) to farm them, but there is actually not much difference between locations in all four regions, so you can use any.


It takes 23 seconds per encounter on average (including "not even a nibble", which occurs with 50% chance if you curious), there is 50% chance to encounter Luvdisc, and 30% chance (according to my estimation) for it to hold Heart Scale. There is also 10% to encounter Corsola, which might hold Red Shard with 50% chance (might not be correct, due to low statistic size). At the moment of testing this section Heart Scales were 4200$ on GTL, and Red Shards 1600$, don't forget 5% listing fee. Math: 3600s / 23s * (0.5 * 0.3 * 4000$ + 0.1 * 0.5 * 1500$) = 105'652$/hour.

Final Formula: 23.5 * Heart Scale + 7.8 * Red Shard

Sky Pillar 100k/hour

Every pokemon here, except for the Golbat, may hold something (and Altaria, but you won't meet it, if you farm on the 1st floor), and many of this items are quite valuable.


It takes 15 second per encounter on average. Data was collected from 200 encounters, but this is still not enough, so percentages here might be far from truth. I don't know exact chances of encounters for each pokemon, so i estimate chance to thief each item instead:

Wide Lens - 1.5%, Occa Berry - 2%, Iron Ball - 0.5%, Spell Tag - 1%, Light Clay - 1.5%, Reaper Cloth - 0.5%, Kasib Berry - 0.5%.

Prices: Wide Lens - 12500$ (2500 Coins in Veilstone Game Corner (Sinnoh)), Occa Berry - 1000$, Iron Ball - 11000$, Spell Tag - 1500$ (directly to NPC due to GTL fee), Light Clay - 7500$, Reaper Cloth - 8000$, Kasib Berry - 1000$.

Math: 3600s / 15s * (0.015 * 12500 + 0.02 * 1000 + 0.005 * 10450 + 0.01 * 1500 + 0.015 * 7125 + 0.005 * 7600 + 0.005 * 1000) = 101'910$/hour

Leftovers Farming 85k/hour

Wild Snorlax may hold Leftovers, but they are rare (~5%) to encounter (only in Cerulean Cave). I tested it on the Mewtwo's floor of Cerulean Cave. Also, wild Munchlax have 100% chance to hold Leftovers, but only way to encounter it - is Honey Trees with 1% chance. Cost of Leftovers is around 40k by the moment of writing this section.


It takes 20 second per encounter on average. Data was collected from 200 encounters, but this is still not enough, so percentages here might be far from truth. I don't know exact chances of encounters for each pokemon, so i estimate chance to thief each item instead:

Leftovers - 0.5%, Chesto Berry - 0.5%, Protector - 0.25%, Everstone - 0.5%, Hard Stone - 0.25%, Metal Coat - 0.25%, Magnet - 0.25%, Focus Band - 0.25%, TinyMushroom - 0.5%, Big Mushroom - 0.25%, Metal Powder - 1%, Lagging Tail - 0.25%, Twisted Spoon - 2.5%.

Prices: Leftovers - 40k, Chesto Berry - 1000$, Protector - 5000$, Everstone - 5000$, Hard Stone - 1500$, Metal Coat - 5500$, Magnet - 3000$, Focus Band - 6200$, TinyMushroom - 1750$, Big Mushroom - 3500$, Metal Powder - 1500$, Lagging Tail - 1500$, Twisted Spoon - 7500$.

Math: 3600s / 20s * (0.005 * 38000 + 0.005 * 1000 + 0.0025 * 4750 + 0.005 * 4750 + 0.0025 * 1500 + 0.0025 * 5225 + 0.0025 * 2850 + 0.0025 * 5890 + 0.005 * 1650 + 0.0025 * 3325 + 0.01 * 1500 + 0.0025 * 1400 + 0.025 * 7125) = 86'845$/hour

Lunatone/Solrock 85k/hour

I thought that Comet Shard might make this worth while, but it's chance appeared to be too low. Anyway it's still better, than some believed-to-be-good methods. I used hordes in Meteor Falls after waterfall on 1F and B1F for Lunatone and Solrock respectively.


It takes 45 seconds on average to deal with each horde (either running or thieving). And 6 minutes for the set of 6 hordes (including time to teleport to pokemon center and cycling back). By my estimation from 50 hordes there is 23% chance for each horde to have Moon/Sun Stone and the same chance for Stardust, and 2.1% to have Comet Shard. Prices: Moon/Sun Stone - 3000$, Stardust - 2000$, Comet Shard - 12500$ (both directly to NPC). Math: 60 / 6 * 6 * (0.23 * (3000$ + 2000$) + 0.021 * 12500$) = 84'750$/hour

Petalburg Woods 73k/hour

Same as with Lunatone/Solrock, I thought Big and Balm Mushrooms from Shroomish might make it worth while. Don't forget, that you can use Tiny and Big mushrooms for move relearning at Kanto Island 2.


It takes 15 seconds on average to deal with pokemon here (either running or thieving). I don't know exact chances of each pokemon here, so i estimated each item chances instead from 200 encounters, but this is still not enough to count this data as accurate enough.

Chances: TinyMushroom - 2%, Big Mushroom - 1%, Kebia Berry - 2%, Balm Mushroom - 0.5%, Pecha Berry - 7%, Oran Berry - 7%, Potion - 3%, Super Potion - 0.5%, Charti Berry - 0.5%, Bright Powder - 0.5%.

Prices: TinyMushroom - 1500$, Big Mushroom - 3000$, Kebia Berry - 1000$, Balm Mushroom - 7500$ (directly to NPC), Pecha Berry - 850$, Oran Berry - 1000$, Potion - 200$, Super Potion - 600$, Charti Berry - 1000$, Bright Powder - 11000$.

Math: 3600s / 15s * (0.02 * 1400 + 0.01 * 2850 + 0.02 * 1000 + 0.005 * 7500 + 0.07 * 750 + 0.07 * 1000 + 0.03 * 200 + 0.005 * 600 + 0.005 * 1000 + 0.005 * 10450) = 72660$

Pick Up + Pay Day

Check this Pick Up Guide for more information. From all the research, I made for that guide, I came to a conclusion that chance of Pick Up is not 10%, but rather depends on the total number of possible pick ups in the location, I believe it is 1% per each item.

Covet + Pick Up + Pay Day 170k/hour

Executed by fishing in Undella Bay, use Covet on Luvdiscs you encounter to steal heart scales and payday on everything else.

Even max Attack level 100 Meowth is not enough to OHKO most Shellders with Pay Day, so you have to use Munchlax in order to maximize your profit.


It takes 30 seconds on average to encounter and use a Pay Day or Covet on a pokemon. There is 50% chance to encounter Luvdisc, and 30% chance (according to my estimation) for it to hold Heart Scale. Medium Level of pokemon is 45, which results in 450$ from each Pay Day. Pick Ups: Potion - 200$, Super Potion - 600$, Repel - 400$, Super Repel - 750$, Great Ball - 600$, Net Ball - 1500$, Nest Ball - 1000$, Heart Scale - 4000$, Stardust - 2000$,Star Piece - 4900$, Comet Shard - 12500$, Pearl - 2000$, Big Pearl - 3750$, Pearl String - 10000$, Blue Shard - 3000$, Red Shard - 1600$, Yellow Shard - 2500$, Green Shard - 1900$, EnergyPowder - 700$, Heal Powder - 450$, Mystic Water - 1500$, NeverMeltIce - 4700$, Awakening - 300$.

Math: 60 * 0.3 * 3800$ + 60 * 450$ + 120 * 0.01 * (200 + 600 + 400 + 750 + 600 + 1500 + 1000 + 3800 + 2000 + 4900 + 12500 + 2000 + 3750 + 10000 + 2850 + 1500 + 2375 + 1800 + 600 + 450 + 1500 + 4465 + 300) = 167'208$/hour

Final Formula: 18 * Heart Scale + 100k

Undella Bay 150k/hour

Even max Attack level 100 Meowth with Choice Band is not enough to OHKO each pokemon in this location with Pay Day, so you have to use Munchlax in order to maximize your profit.


It takes 30 seconds on average to encounter and use a Pay Day on a pokemon. Medium Level of pokemon in this location is 45, which results in 450$ from each Pay Day. I haven't got any Relic Coins from single pokemon encounters, maybe they drop only from hordes. Pick Ups: Potion - 200$, Super Potion - 600$, Repel - 400$, Super Repel - 750$, Great Ball - 600$, Net Ball - 1500$, Nest Ball - 1000$, Rare Candy - 27000$, Stardust - 2000$,Star Piece - 4900$, Comet Shard - 12500$, Pearl - 2000$, Big Pearl - 3750$, Pearl String - 10000$, Blue Shard - 3000$, Red Shard - 1600$, Yellow Shard - 2500$, Green Shard - 1900$, EnergyPowder - 700$, Heal Powder - 450$, Mystic Water - 1500$, NeverMeltIce - 4700$, Awakening - 300$.

Math: 120 * 450 + 120 * 0.01 * (200 + 600 + 400 + 750 + 600 + 1500 + 1000 + 25650 + 2000 + 4900 + 12500 + 2000 + 3750 + 10000 + 2850 + 1500 + 2375 + 1800 + 600 + 450 + 1500 + 4465 + 300) = 152'028$/hour

Berry Forest 115k/hour

Despite being believed as the best Pick Up location, Berry Forest is actually worse, than Undella Bay. Yes, you can Pick Up Leftovers here, but all others pick ups are much less worthy, than ones in Undella Bay, which also have higher Pick Up chance overall.


It takes 30 seconds on average to encounter and use a Pay Day on a pokemon in this location. Medium Level of pokemon here is 43, which results in 430$ from each Pay Day. I haven't got any Berries here, so it is either outdated information or Horde Pick ups. Pick Ups: Potion - 200$,Super Potion - 600$, Repel - 400$, Super Repel - 750$, Poke Ball - 200$, Great Ball - 600$, Ultra Ball - 1200$, Leftovers - 39000$, Sunstone - 2700$, Leafstone - 1900$, Miracle Seed - 1500$, Revival Herb - 3600$, Dawn Stone - 2000$.

Math: 120 * 430 + 120 * 0.01 * (200 + 600 + 400 + 750 + 200 + 600 + 1200 + 37000 + 2565 + 1800 + 1500 + 3420 + 1900) = 114'162$/hour

Battle Points Farming

I am assuming Battle Points to pokedollars conversion as 1 to 15, taking ability pill as a reference point (2250 BP = 35000$, 1 BP = 15.56$)

Hoenn Battle Frontier 140k/hour

Read this Battle Frontier Guide for more information. According to my research, all battle facilities and modes have around the same rewards progression, except for Battle Factory, which have x1.5, but it is too random to farm reliably. Also Multi and Link battles have slightly higher rewards, but i don't know to what extent. Level 100 feels to have slightly higher rewards than level 50, but I am not sure. Each set of 7 battles takes me 13 minutes on average (when using ultra-offense team), if you manage to hold streak for long enough, you can make around 60m / 13m * 2000 BP = 9230 Battle Points per hour, which converts into ~140'000$/hour.

PvP Matchmaking 20k/hour

I wouldn't count seasonal rewards, since they are limited. Each match can last for unpredictable amount of time, but I will assume 15 minutes for ultra-offense team. For win you getting 500 BP and for lose - 150 BP, with 50% winrate you will be making 60m / 15m * (500 + 150) / 2 = 1300 BP/hour which converts into ~20'000$/hour.

Kanto Battle Tower 0k/hour

Since you don't get healed after each fight and, therefore, have to use potions and revives, and opponents using strongest pokemon from the start, it is impossible to reliably make moneys here.

Legendary Hunting ?k/hour

Read This for more information about Legendary pokemon in PokeMMO. Each time you win in a battle for a Legendary (either attacking or defending), you getting 1000 BP. Since this method is very unreliable and depends on many random factors, I can't calculate income for it. Team "MGod" is known for actively hunting for legendaries and passing them inside the team. Fastest way to pass a legendary is to wait until timer ends (1 minute) without making a turn. If we assume perfect conditions, this will result in 60'000 BP per hour for a team, which converts into 900k/hour.

Breeders Hunting

Safari Magikarp Farming 120k/hour

Safari gives you 30 balls for 500$, which is super cheap and helps if you completely broke and can't or wont rematch trainers for some reason. I tested this method in Kanto Safari, but it should also work in Hoenn and Black March. You have 100% catch rate after throwing rock, and they rarely flee after it.


It takes 30 second on average to catch one magikarp in safari zone, ~7% of them flee after rock. There is 16% chance to catch 1x31 and 1.347% to catch 2x31 or better. 1x31 costs 5000$ on average, 2x31 - 35'000$.

Math: 3600s / 30s * 0.93 * (0.16 * 4000 + 0.01347 * 33250 - 500/30) = 119'547$/hour

Ditto Farming 100k/hour

I know 3 major ways of Ditto farming: Setting a lead, Using Substitute (Transform fails into Substitute, but have only 10 PP, so rarely Ditto may start struggling), and the best: using Assist while having a pokemon in the party, that only knows Spore and Moves, that cannot be called by Assist. It is widely discussed, what is better to use: Poke Balls or Repeat Balls to catch Dittos? The answer varies with the cost of Dittos and also depends if you selling them thru GTL or by direct trade. If Dittos are cheap and you using GTL, then its better to use Poke Balls. But if Dittos costs much, or you selling boxes directly, then it's slightly better to use Repeat Balls. Either way difference is not much, around 5k/hour.


It takes 2 minutes on average to find and catch a Ditto using Poke Balls, and 80 seconds for Repeat Balls (both measured using Setting a lead tactic). It also takes 4 Poke Balls and 1.5 Repeat Balls on average (yes, you may didn't catch a ditto in 15 Poke Balls, but that's how RNG works). There is 16% chance to catch 1x31 ditto, 1.29% to catch 2x31 and 0.05685% to catch 3x31 or better (I didn't counting 4x31 and so on due to extreme rareness). 1x31 costs 8500$ on average, 2x31 - 50k and 3x31 - 500k. 0x31 ditto costs around 3500$. Math:

For Poke Balls: 30 * (0.83 * 2500 + 0.16 * 7500 + 0.0129 * 47500 + 0.0005685 * 475000 - 200 * 4) = 100'733$/hour

For Repeat Balls: 45 * (4158 - 1350 * 1.5) = 95'985$/hour

Field Group Farming 95k/hour

I used to farm in Unova Route 1, which have 100% field group encounter with 255 catch rate each (which means you have 99% chance to catch with Poke Ball after just False Swipe). This is one of the best money making methods available to new players early on, since they can't rematch Gyms and wealthy trainers yet.


It takes 40 seconds on average to catch a pokemon here. There is 16% chance to catch 1x31 and 1.347% to catch 2x31 or better. 1x31 costs 6000$ on average, 2x31 - 35'000$.

Math: 3600s / 40s * (0.16 * 5000 + 0.01347 * 33250 - 200) = 94'309$/hour

Other Methods

There are quite obscure or unreliable methods here, just to be mentioned.

Phenomena Hunting ~60k/hour

Read This about how Phenomena works in PokeMMO. In perfect conditions Phenomena happens twice every 15 minutes, but in reality many didn't get noticed even in Chinese channels, so income will be lower, but what is special about this method, is that you can combine it with most other methods, distracting to visit Phenomena and coming back to original method after it. Each Phenomena gives you Mysterious Gem if you caught or defeated pokemon within it, dust clouds may provide you with Unova fossils instead (this is the only way to get them). Mysterious Gem might be used for Elemental Gems crafting or sold for around 9k. Many pokemon that appears only in Phenomena can also be sold for good price.

Shiny Hunting ~45k/hour

Sounds unbelievable, but you can actually make moneys of shiny hunting. I will use Rapidash hordes in Unova Route 12, just as an example, since it is very popular spot for Speed EV-training and Leveling. It takes me 2 minutes on average to run from 6 Rapidash hordes (Sweet Scent PP Maxed of course) and replenish PP in pokemon center. This results in 180 hordes per hour or 900 encounters total. Cost of shiny Rapidash is around 1.5 millions. As we know chance of shiny is 1 to 30k, so this will result in 45k/hour on average, or 50k/hour with donator status (shiny charms will increase your income only by ~170$ each or ~80$ for 5%).

Starting Up A Service ?k/hour

EV-Training, Leveling and Breeding are the major services provided by other players in PokeMMO. Prices are varies widely, so it's hard to name any exact numbers. But overall, from what I've seen, their services are quite cheap, resulting in around 80k/hour for EV-Training and Leveling up to 50, and 50k/hour for Leveling up to 100. Breeding might give you up to 100k/hour, including breeding for selling in GTL.

GTL Flipping ∞k/hour

Buying cheap and selling for more later, in case of some cosmetics might give you huge moneys if you know what you are doing. For more information read This.

Edited by Genets

Money Making Methods Comparison (2024)
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