Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (2024)

Are you fighting through in life? Then, you are on the right path. When you choose not to fight through life’s challenges, you’ll get stuck and might miss opportunities. Your untapped potential remains unfulfilled. Long-term success and satisfaction require embracing life’s struggles.

This article is about Sandstone and how it can help you progress in life, whether you’re looking for collectible gemstones or healing stones for your spiritual work.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (1)

Sandstone Meaning

Sandstone consists of minerals such as sand quartz and feldspar and also contains elements like silicon, oxygen, aluminum, and others.

It has a granular texture, with individual sand-sized grains visible to the naked eye. Its texture and surface can range from fine-grained to coarse-grained, depending on the size of the quartz sand grains.

Sandstone also has a dull to slightly shiny luster. It tends to fracture along bedding planes. It often exhibits a blocky or angular fracture pattern.

Some types of sandstone can be soluble in water if they contain significant amounts of carbonate minerals. It can lead to the development of caves and other features.

Sandstone is known for its durability, porosity, and resistance to weathering. Its color and properties can vary depending on the specific minerals in its composition.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (2)

Sandstone Uses and Benefits

Sandstone is good-looking. It is the perfect stone for decorative purposes due to its strength and aesthetic appeal. Here are the other many benefits and uses of sandstone:

  • Healing Crystal
  • grounding stone
  • Talisman
  • Jewelry, gemstone, and blue sandstone ring
  • blue sandstone pieces
  • Feng shui item
  • Decorative pieces

Its metaphysical properties make it valuable to individuals’ physical and spiritual healing. In Feng Shui practices, sandstone is used as a decorative piece to invite positive energy into the home and create a harmonious space.

Crystal Health Disclaimer

While crystals have been used throughout time to heal medical and emotional ailments, the information in this blog is not to be taken as medical advice. Additionally, you should always follow the advice of medical professionals per their diagnoses. Crystal healing should only be seen as supplemental.

Sandstone Physical Benefits

Sandstone possesses physical healing properties that can relieve and strengthen various aspects of your body and well-being.

Here are some of the physical benefits associated with sandstone:

  • Skeletal System

    Sandstone’s healing properties relieve pain, particularly in cases of broken bones. It contributes to bone healing by providing stability and strength to the affected area.

  • Muscles

    The soothing and grounding properties of sandstone relieve pain. It can help relax muscles and alleviate tension.

  • Hair

    Sandstone stimulates hair growth and prevents hair loss. This stone improves blood circulation to the hair follicles, promoting healthier hair growth.

  • Digestive System

    Sandstone supports digestion by regulating balance in the digestive system. It alleviates stomach problems and discomfort.

  • Eye Health

    Sandstone improves vision by promoting eye health. Its rejuvenating healing properties benefit eye vision and overall eye comfort.

  • Lymphatic System

    Sandstone’s healing properties reduce water retention in the body and alleviate the discomfort of bloating and swelling.

  • Skin

    Sandstone strengthens nails and makes them less prone to breakage.

Sandstone Emotional Benefits

Sandstone is valued for its physical healing properties and also for the emotional benefits it can offer. This natural stone possesses unique qualities that can heal your emotional body, well-being, and inner harmony.

Here are some of the emotional benefits associated with sandstone:

  • Stress

    This stone has a calming effect. Its soothing vibrations relieve stress.

  • Creativity

    Sandstone is known to stimulate creativity and encourage lucid dreaming. It is a valuable tool for artists, writers, and anyone seeking to tap into their creative potential and channel their ideas.

  • Empowerment

    Sandstone optimizes strength and resilience. Its energy can empower you to face challenges with courage and determination, helping you overcome obstacles in your life.

  • Wisdom

    Sandstone enhances discernment. It aids in making better decisions by providing a clear and focused mindset, helping you see through confusion, emotional blocks, and uncertainty.

  • Relationships

    Sandstone accentuates truth and clarity in relationship issues. It can help you communicate more honestly and openly with others, fostering deep and more meaningful connections and building harmonious relationships.

  • Knowledge

    Sandstone improves thought and sight clarity. It can help you see situations from a more objective perspective when making decisions.

  • Stability

    Sandstone stabilizes mood and temperament. It reduces mood swings and promotes a more even-keeled emotional state.

Sandstone Metaphysical Properties

Sandstone is a remarkable natural material with supernatural powers that extend beyond the physical and emotional realms.

Here are some of the metaphysical properties associated with sandstone:

  • Protection

    Sandstone shields against negative energy and protects the wearer from harm. Its energy builds a barrier, warding off negative influences and promoting safety and security.

  • Psychic Ability

    Sandstone develops psychic abilities and intuition. It can help individuals tap into their inner wisdom and connect with their higher selves, fostering spiritual growth and development.

  • Grounding

    Sandstone connects with stability and grounding energies. It symbolizes a solid foundation, helping individuals stay rooted and connected to the Earth’s energies. This grounding effect can provide stability in one’s life and spiritual practice.

  • Manifestation

    Sandstone’s energy enhances one’s chances of achieving wealth and inspiring success in both material and spiritual pursuits. It helps manifest and align your intentions with the vibrations of prosperity and abundance.

  • Spiritual Development

    Sandstone brings spiritual growth and development. It encourages self-discovery and a deeper understanding of the spiritual aspects of life. This excellent stone also supports the pursuit of higher knowledge.

  • Astral Travel

    Some practitioners use sandstone in shamanic practices and journeys. Its grounding and protective qualities make it a valuable companion in exploring altered states of consciousness and spiritual realms.

  • Divination

    Sandstone’s energy enhances divination practices, such as tarot readings or scrying. It’s an excellent stone that may help you connect more deeply with your intuition and receive clear messages from the spiritual realm.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (3)

Sandstone Meditation and Grounding

Sandstone is an excellent choice in meditation and grounding practices, primarily due to its potent grounding properties. It helps you focus, feel more emotionally stable, and be more aware of the present moment. Sandstone’s protective nature also shields against external distractions and negative energies, creating a safe and sacred space for meditation. Its affiliation with the Earth and its energy helps meditators establish a strong foundation for their practice.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (4)

Sandstone Chakras

Sandstone resonates strongly with both the Root chakra and Sacral chakra, making it a versatile and potent tool for energy work and spiritual balance.

  • Root Chakra

    In connection with the Root chakra, it empowers individuals to address issues related to survival, basic needs, and physical well-being.

  • Sacral Chakra

    Simultaneously, it encourages the free flow of energy within this chakra, promoting a healthy exploration of one’s passions and desires.

When used mindfully, sandstone can support the alignment and balance of both the Root and Sacral chakras, promoting overall well-being and a harmonious connection between the physical and emotional aspects of self.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (5)

Types of Sandstone

Sandstone comes in various captivating colors and types, each with its unique characteristics, aesthetic appeal, and metaphysical properties:

  1. Black Sandstone

    Black sandstone, with its dark and rich hue, exudes an air of mystery and elegance. It contains minerals like quartz, feldspar, and mica, which can create interesting patterns and textures.

  2. Blue Sandstone

    Blue sandstone crystal, known as star stone or blue goldstone, is not naturally occurring but is created by adding copper and other metal oxides during the formation process. Its physical properties are known for its deep blue color and shimmering spots resembling stars in the night sky. Blue sandstone crystal has healing properties that boost ambition, motivation, and vitality. This vibrant, blue-colored stone resonates with the third eye chakra and enhances positive energy and inner peace. Blue sandstone benefits people with emotional blocks.

  3. Green Sandstone

    Green sandstone showcases a soothing green hue and often contains minerals like chlorite, which impart its color. It carries a calming energy associated with growth, renewal, and nature.

  4. Red Sandstone

    Red sandstone, with its warm and earthy tones, is a gemstone well-known for its durability and striking appearance.

  5. Gold Sandstone

    Gold sandstone, like blue sandstone meaning, is a synthetic variety created by adding metal oxides, such as copper, to achieve its dazzling golden appearance. It attracts wealth, abundance, and positive energy. Gold sandstone is the best jewelry, decorative pieces, and tools for spiritual practices to bring prosperity and good fortune.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (6)

Sandstone Crystal Combinations

Pairing other crystals with sandstone amplifies one’s intention and boosts its effectiveness.

Here are the crystals that go well with Sandstone:

  1. Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (7)Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (8)


    Carnelian crystal’s creativity-boosting properties go well with sandstone’s stability. This combination can help you channel your creative ideas and passions into practical and grounded actions.

  2. Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (9)Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (10)

    Orange Calcite

    Combining the joyful energy of Orange Calcite crystal with the stability of sandstone can boost positive thinking and create a sense of lasting happiness and contentment in your life.

  3. Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (11)Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (12)


    Sunstone’s ability to enhance personal power complements the strength and stability of sandstone. It helps you assert yourself confidently and make decisions.

  4. Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (13)Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (14)


    This combination can boost your willpower, self-esteem, and personal power, enabling you to tackle challenges more effectively.

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (15)

Charging and Cleansing

Cleansing and charging sandstone are a must to maintain its natural energy and effectiveness, especially if you’re using it for healing, energy work, or meditation.

Here are some methods you can use to cleanse and charge your sandstone:

  • Running Water

    Hold your sandstone under cool, running water for a few minutes. Be gentle if the stone is delicate, as sandstone can be porous. It will absorb too much water.

  • Natural Light

    Place your sandstone in the direct light of the sun for a few hours to cleanse it. Or leave it under the moonlight, especially during a full moon, to recharge its energy.

  • Sound

    Strike the Tibetan singing bowl and let the sound vibrations attune the crystal’s energy. Do this for a few minutes.


In summary, Sandstone is a magnificent and abundant rock that harnesses impressive healing properties and metaphysical powers. It has many uses and benefits. It can help you head-on with your everyday life, make better decisions, and fulfill your dreams. This powerful healing stone will assist you and will always remind you to keep fighting through life, persevere, and have abundance in all aspects!

Sandstone Meaning, Uses, and Benefits - Metaphysical Properties (2024)
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