The Best Diet For MTHFR and Weight Loss - Foods to Eat and Avoid (2024)

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Eating foods high in folate and vitamin B2 is the best diet for MTHFR and weight loss if someone has the MTHFR gene mutation as the function of the MTHFR gene is to convert folate into the active form called methylfolate.

For the MTHFR enzyme to function and convert folate into methylfolate, the MTHFR gene requires vitamin B2 as a co-factor. It is crucial for someone with an MTHFR gene mutation to eat foods high in folate and vitamin B2 as the two nutrients work in tandem.

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You can see how important it is to get enough folate and vitamin B2 in the diet for the MTHFR gene to work and produce the active bioavailable form of methylfolate. If someone with an MTHFR gene mutation is not getting enough folate through the diet, then there will be a limited supply of folate available to be converted into methylfolate. ​​

Some plant foods already contain the bioavailable form of methylfolate, which is why eating natural foods high in folate is 100 times better than supplementing with synthetic folic acid.

The same is true for vitamin B2. The MTHFR gene requires B2 for the conversion of natural folate found in foods into methylfolate. Even if folate levels are high, the MTHFR enzyme will not be able to produce sufficient amounts of methylfolate ifvitamin B2levels are too low.

The best diet for MTHFR and weight loss needs to include foods high in folate and B2 for the MTHFR gene to function.

Providing adequate amounts of vitamin B2 and folate through the diet ensures that at least the MTHFR gene has the nutrients needed to function. If either folate or B2 is low in someone with an MTHFR gene mutation, then there will be an additional reduced MTHFR enzyme activity.

At this point, you may be wondering what’s the big deal about an MTHFR gene mutation…. well, it’s a big deal. The MTHFR gene is only one gene among many in the methylation pathway, but having an MTHFR gene mutation can significantly inhibit the production of SAMe.

SAMe is a co-factor for another 200 enzymes to function from making neurotransmitters, producingphosphatidylcholineto preventfatty liverand gallbladder problems, and breaking down intracellularhistamine.

MTHFR and Weight Loss

The PEMT gene requires up to 70% of SAMe to make phosphatidylcholine which is crucial for liver detoxification and weight loss. Reversing fatty liver is essential for weight loss, and SNPs in the MTHFR gene or PEMT gene can make weight loss difficult due to a fatty liver.

Sunflower lecithin contains phosphatidylcholine to prevent fatty liver and is the best weight loss treatment for someone with an MTHFR gene mutation and decreased ability to make SAMe. Learning how to lose weight with MTHFR starts with understanding the connection between MTHFR, SAMe, and the PEMT gene.

The implications of an MTHFR gene is a big deal that has ripple effects throughout the body. Understanding the connection betweenMTHFR and SIBOis something that is often missed in the digestive health community.

If you have an MTHFR gene mutation, it is necessary to include the following MTHFR dietary recommendations as your body already has a decreased ability to produce methylfolate. You do not want to exacerbate this problem by not getting enough natural folate and B2 through the diet.

Foods high in folate for MTHFR and Weight Loss include:

  • Leafy greens (kale, arugula, mustard greens, romaine)
  • Seaweed such as kelp and wakame
  • Edamame
  • Radishes
  • Peppers
  • Spinach
  • Parsley
  • Asparagus
  • Onions
  • Mushrooms
  • Artichokes
  • Beets
  • Beans such as pinto beans, navy beans, mung beans, and chickpeas
  • Lentils
  • Broccoli
  • Chives
  • Brussel sprouts
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Egg yolk
  • Avocado
  • Oranges
  • Boysenberry

Foods high in riboflavin (vitamin B2) include:

  • Liver
  • Lamb
  • Mushrooms
  • Spinach
  • Almonds
  • Wild salmon
  • Eggs
  • Parsley
  • Seaweed
  • Spirulina
  • Goat cheese

Foods to avoid with MTHFR

Another crucial factor to consider for the MTHFR diet is knowing what not to eat and avoiding the synthetic form of folic acid.

Foods to avoid with MTHFR include foods enriched with synthetic folic acid that is found in so many processed foods, breakfast cereals, bread, and enriched fours with folic acid. Be sure to read your labels and watch out for the synthetic form of folic acid. But, if you eat a whole food diet as nature intended, you won’t have to worry about synthetic folic acid in your food.

If you have the MTHFR gene, you are already struggling to convert folate into methylfolate, let alone the synthetic and inactive form of folic acid. According to Dr. Ben Lynch (the author ofDirty Genes,which I highly recommend reading), folic acid can bind to the folate receptors and block the absorption of the natural folate found in foods.

You can think of the synthetic form of folic acid as binding to the folate receptors as a key fits in a door, blocking the natural folate from getting in while not having the ability to function the same and open the same door.

I have met several women who had the MTHFR gene and couldn’t fall pregnant, would miscarry, or have babies that were tongue-tied when supplementing with synthetic folic acid. When they stopped supplementing with folic acid and switched to methylfolate, they could fall pregnant and have healthy babies. So please watch out for folic acid.

Learn more about thebest prenatal multivitamin in this post.

Why do you need to eat anti-inflammatory foods for MTHFR treatment and weight loss

Lowering inflammation in the body by avoiding inflammatory foods and eating ananti-inflammatory diethigh inantioxidantsis a crucial aspect of the MTHFR diet that no one is talking about. Lowering inflammation is also essential for weight loss as inflammation contributes to insulin resistance.

Reactive oxygen species (inflammation) inhibits the function of the MTHFR gene. Antioxidants found in plant foods and pigmented fruits and vegetables help neutralize reactive oxygen species and are the best foods for weight loss. Eating an anti-inflammatory diet is one of the best ways to reduce inflammation so that the MTHFR gene can function better.

Identifying and eliminating the source of inflammation is essential for optimizing the function of the MTHFR gene. Inflammation can come from the immune system reacting tofood sensitivitiesdue to leaky gut, parasites,SIBO, gut infections, viruses, and inflammatory foods.

The best diet for MTHFR and weight loss needs to focus on eliminating common inflammatory foods such as gluten, cows, dairy, and sugar while including foods that are high in anti-inflammatory omega 3’s such as wild-caught salmon, walnuts, and chia seeds.

Saturated fats should be eaten in limited amounts for people who are on a MTHFR diet for weight loss as saturated fats are inflammatory and contribute to weight gain. Small amounts are great, especially for aquiring vitamin B2 which is the co-factor for the MTHFR gene.

Best supplements for MTHFR and weight loss

If you are looking for additional MTHFR support, you can supplement with the end product and bypass the MTHFR gene by taking methylfolate. The best forms of folate for the MTHFR gene are folinic acid or methylfolate.

Methylfolateis the most active bioavailable form of folate.Folinic acidis easily converted into methylfolate and is a better option for people who are sensitive to the methylated B vitamins or methylfolate.

If too much inflammation is present in your body, you may not tolerate methylfolate or any of the methylated B vitamins. Folinic acid is a better form of folate for sensitive individuals (and I am one of those sensitive individuals)

I got itchy skin when I tried to support my methylation with the methylated B vitamins. I stopped taking the methylated B vitamins and instead switched to the optimal multi-minus one. This multivitamin contains folinic acid, which is better for sensitive individuals that have increased inflammation.

It is always best to start with the MTHFR diet, then learn how tosupport the MTHFR gene with supplementsas needed and find the best form of a nutrient that works for you.

The MTHFR gene is also only one gene in the methylation pathway. Many other clinically relevant SNPs in the methylation pathway require other nutrients including, additional B vitamins, particularly vitamin B2 and vitamin B12, and magnesium, to function.

Optimal Multivitamin Minus Oneis a great supplement that contains all the B vitamins without the methylated B vitamins, which are better for anyone who has inflammation in their body as the forms used are often well tolerated in sensitive individuals.

You can also indirectly support the MTHFR gene by supplementing withOptimal PC, which contains phosphatidylcholine to help take the load off the methylation pathway and MTHFR gene. Optimal PC is the best supplement for liver detoxification, preventing fatty liver and weight loss.

The MTHFR gene is involved in the pathway responsible for making the methyl donor SAMe. Up to 70 percent of SAMe is used to make phosphatidylcholine. The production of phosphatidylcholine puts a heavy demand on the MTHFR gene and methylation pathway. You can indirectly support the MTHFR gene and methylation pathway by taking phosphatidylcholine, which frees up the need to produce so much SAMe.

Do you have the MTHFR genetic mutation, or are you interested in genetic testing for MTHFR?

If you are interested in genetic testing, you can order the Ancestry DNA kit then download your raw data to generate your stratagene report through seeking health. This post is all about what you can expect from your StrateGene report.

The Best Diet For MTHFR and Weight Loss - Foods to Eat and Avoid (2024)


The Best Diet For MTHFR and Weight Loss - Foods to Eat and Avoid? ›

To support overall health, people with this genetic variation are advised to eat a healthy diet that includes foods rich in folate, B vitamins, choline, and methionine. This includes foods such as leafy greens, legumes, wholegrains, animal products, nuts, and seeds. This can be thought of as an “MTHFR diet”.

How to lose weight if you have the MTHFR gene? ›

Weight Loss Treatments with MTHFR

Supplementing your diet with an active form of folate such as methylfolate can help to restore folate levels, which can then support methylation involved in estrogen clearance and the conversion of hom*ocysteine to methionine.

What foods should you avoid with MTHFR mutation? ›

Avoid all products with added or fortified folic acid which is the synthetic form of vitamin B9 found in fortified supplements (pregnancy supplements) breads, cereals and commercially produced flours. Avoid processed foods that have synthetic folic acid added to them.

How can I detox my body from MTHFR? ›

Tips to improve detoxification include:
  1. Eat a high-fiber diet (30-50 grams per day).
  2. Eat anti-inflammatory foods such as vegetables, well-sourced protein, healthy fats, and fruits. ...
  3. Move and sweat regularly, at least 4-5x per week, including regular sauna treatments and Epsom salt baths.
Apr 18, 2018

Is cheese bad for MTHFR? ›

Like the other foods you read about earlier, dairy is bad for MTHFR because it's also often fortified with the synthetic folic acid your body can't process. Also, the lactose and saturated fats in some dairy may cause inflammation. If you have a MTHFR gene mutation, you may also have gluten-related problems.

Can MTHFR cause obesity? ›

If you have the MTHFR defect, your body may not be able to produce adequate amounts of these vital neurotransmitters resulting in resistant depression, binge behaviors, and abdominal obesity; the triad of common symptoms I see in my clients.

What is the diet plan for MTHFR? ›

To support overall health, people with this genetic variation are advised to eat a healthy diet that includes foods rich in folate, B vitamins, choline, and methionine. This includes foods such as leafy greens, legumes, fortified grains, animal products, nuts, and seeds. This can be thought of as an “MTHFR diet”.

Can you eat eggs with MTHFR? ›

Essential fatty acids such as omega-3 can help reduce inflammation and the risk of heart disease. All foods should be in their whole, natural state. Choose hormone-free, grass-fed meats, grass-fed butter or ghee, and organic free-range eggs.

Is fasting good for MTHFR? ›

Further, subjects with a MTHFR gene deficiency have a propensity to incur damage associated with fasting elevated insulin levels. Currently subjects with a MTHFR gene deficiency are prone to elevated fasting insulin levels because the MTHFR gene deficiency can cause functional deficiency of folate and B12.

What should you not take with MTHFR? ›

Avoid medications that can deplete folate or interfere with methylation when possible: birth control pills, anticonvulsants, antacids, antidepressants, Ibuprofen, aspirin, Metformin, cholesterol-lowering medications like cholestyramine, colestipol and colesevelam, some antibiotics, and some estrogen replacement ...

What vitamin is best for MTHFR? ›

Vitamins You Need with MTHFR
  • Methylfolate.
  • Active Vitamin B12.
  • Magnesium.
  • NAC(N-acetylcysteine)
  • Glutathione.
  • Vitamin D.
Jul 28, 2021

What are the neurological symptoms of MTHFR? ›

Patients with severe MTHFR deficiency (0-20% residual enzyme activity) in infancy or adolescence present with developmental delay, severe mental retardation, motor and gait dysfunction, seizures, psychiatric disturbances, and other neurological abnormalities.

How to turn off MTHFR gene? ›

6 Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations
  1. Supplement with Pre-Methylated B Vitamins. MTHFR mutations reduce your ability to methylate. ...
  2. Avoid Folic Acid (Synthetic B Vitamins) ...
  3. Eat Foods Rich in B Vitamins. ...
  4. Reduce Your Toxic Burden. ...
  5. Flush Out Toxins Safely. ...
  6. Balance Your MTHFR Mutation with Supplements.
Aug 24, 2023

How can I reduce my genetic weight gain? ›

So the same advice holds true:
  1. Get active. Aim for 2 1/2 hours of moderate-intensity exercise like brisk walking every week. Even doing 10 minutes at a time helps. ...
  2. Eat less. Cut calories. ...
  3. Choose good-for-you foods. Go for fruit, veggies, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy foods.
Jun 17, 2015

What should I take if I have MTHFR? ›

To lower hom*ocysteine levels, your health care provider will usually recommend taking vitamin B supplements that include folic acid, which is a form of folate. The extra vitamins can make up for an MTHFR gene that's not fully working. Your provider may recommend eating more foods with folate, too.

How do I turn off MTHFR gene? ›

6 Ways to Overcome MTHFR Mutations
  1. Supplement with Pre-Methylated B Vitamins. MTHFR mutations reduce your ability to methylate. ...
  2. Avoid Folic Acid (Synthetic B Vitamins) ...
  3. Eat Foods Rich in B Vitamins. ...
  4. Reduce Your Toxic Burden. ...
  5. Flush Out Toxins Safely. ...
  6. Balance Your MTHFR Mutation with Supplements.
Aug 24, 2023

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Name: Ouida Strosin DO

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Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.